Life after death

Sorry to hear re your neighbour . I think we lose tolerance with people like that once we experience a devastating loss .
How dare she say you should be over it etc etc everyone is unique in that they experience different feelings loss at different times .
If it was me I would probably decide not to engage in any kind of conversation with her until she apologises.
Life is tough enough afyer a loss without putting up with people like that . Sone of them love creating a drama for others when really they probably not happy with their own lives …… sorry for the rant but I know someone like that they think they can say a d do as they line and ignore your feelings .


Yes I totally agree. Death changes us, death changes everything: I think if there is something else then we aren’t supposed to know. We will know when our time is up. It gives me comfort to hope that there is more. I think it makes death easier to deal with if we are part of a bigger plan.

That’s one of my other fears, going through the pain of losing another partner, although I can’t imagine ever loving anyone as much as I loved my husband. The first cut is the deepest as they say xx


Tell me about it. Its SHIT!!! total and utter SHIT!!!


Dear @Kat1984 @Ava3
and everyone.
You are so right death changes everything, and this reminded me of a quote I found when searching for comforting grief messages, which I hope brings a little smile, and brief comfort…

“Two things change us forever… Love and Grief”




Thank you.
Some days can be so hard as you all know. Lost my Darling wife 5 months ago and the first year is hard because everything is a first. It was her birthday 3 weeks ago and it was so lonely. It will be our wedding anniversary on Christmas eve and then Christmas day!! Really, really hard , not sure if I can really cope.


Hi @Jacste
Yes it is hard for us all the special days we share. I have done our anniversary 36 years in August my birthday 66 in October not looking forward to Christmas or New year on my own . Then Kevins birthday in april (64) and then passing date 8th June.
I know we all have these special dates ahead but we will get through them somehow.
Take care


Well my little story, and I’m not a great believer, but some 6 months after my wife past I woke up at round about the time she past away she was stood in the bedroom doorway, She just said to me do you want to come with me yet? I replied no not yet I’ve this and that to sort out. Ok and she disappeared. I had a Drs appointment about a week later for something pretty minor, just as I was about to leave the Dr said hang on weve not done your blood pressure etc for a couple of years or more (I’d been ignoring myself to look after my wife over that time) It turned out I was a walking heart attack about to happen. As I said I’m not a great believer in the afterlife but that really has made me think


Trouble is until the time comes we don’t know. I have never been a believer but now I hope I will see my darling again.


Thank you for your story, i was not a believer either but that has left me comforted to know there is life after death and you were given the gift of seeing your wife. I have read so many stories that run along side yours, it is making me re-think that there is something .
I prayer she comes back again for a visit and just to say hello. I will go to bed tonight with a lighter heart. Thank you again for sharing this.


I was given the gift of seeing her and given a choice. Perhaps only in times of great need


I am now a believer…the evidence in my opinion is overwhelming on so many lebrks…but I’d give anything to see my Sandie like that…I keep hoping and watching every day. I know she can never come back but if I had such an experience I reckon it would give me the strength and motivation to carry on as best I could…in the meantime I’ll keep hoping…