Life Is Not The Same Without You

To my lovely Aan, the love of my life.

Life is not the same without you
The sun still rises in the east and darkness falls at night
But nothing now seems quite the same, each day is not as bright
The birds still sing, the flowers grow, the breeze still whispers too
But it will never ever be the same world without you
It’s so sad that you had to go, your leaving caused such pain
But you were so very special and earth’s loss is Heaven’s gain.


@sad2 I always look out for your poems, they are so true and touching.
I walk some days and it helps being in nature, I listen and watch the birds. I enjoy the sun (when it’s out) the gentle breeze and so wish my Marti was by my side. I saw 2 squirrels racing on a tree playing together for ages, that was me and my Marti. I saw a duck with its little ducklings. I now walk on my own, my Marti always used to be by my side. It’s really hard doing anything without him by my side. Are you able to walk somewhere that’s nice?
Amy x

Thank you for your lovely message Amy. Sorry for the loss of your Marti. What ever your mood, you always feel calm and nice near nature.
I do go over to a small local park to feed the birds and squirrels. A lot of times now a bird flys onto my hand and eats the seeds from there. Sometimes another one joins in and I always say that’s my Alan and my mum, and talk to them. They don’t stay long, but long enough to hope they are.
It’s horrible having to do things and go places on your own, I get so envious when I see couples walking hand in hand. Wherever I went with Alan we were always holding hands and I miss him so much. What a horrible life we have now without them.
Take care.
Joan x

Thank you for your lovely poem. I lost my husband twice. First to dementia and then again when he died last year. I lost my Mum 18 months ago as well. I never had children so now there is really no one I can turn to. I have never felt so lonely and so hopeless. I’ve done everything I was told - get out in the fresh air, join a club, keep busy. But I still feel wretched most days. I’m still young enough to have a life and yet I feel I’m marking time. Nothing is the same without him.

I’m sorry for the sad loss of your husband. Our lives will never be the same without our loved ones. Each day is just another day of heartache and tears to get through. Living this liife we have been left with seems to get harder to cope with as time goes on. I’m finding it hard to get motivated to do anything, I can’t even find the energy to go out for walks most days.
Time passes and not one day goes by that Alan’s not here in my heart. The day I lost him was the day my existence changed forever. Life feels like hell on earth.
Take care xx

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Ot just over 3yrs ago when I lost my wife then 3months later lost my mother I still feel the emptiness when I get home
Soon as I close my door the sadness and lonleyness kick in don’t think I will ever get over these feelings and being selfish I’m not bothered if I died tomorrow
I was just wondering lf anybody else feels this way
I loved them dearly with all my heart which is now broken

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Hi amy, i walk to. Listen to the birds etc. What upsets me is other couples walking along holding hands when that should be us. I look at the ground and try not to notice them.then i think, why me?

Me to. Im dead inside.

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Trouble is trying to explain to people that haven’t went thru this horrible grief how it makes us feel on the inside .they will never know untill it happens
I am quite lucky still going to work in a big workplace I have special friends that still look out for me and know when I’m having really down days
I love to talk about my wife linda and my mother it helps me a lot talking about them think it’s more the lonley Ness at home that hits me the most nobody to share you day with or what may of happened ect take care everyone I’m all ears if anybody wants to chat and share our past memories with our loved ones


Me to. At work my colleagues help me cope. If i breakdown they understand. At home life is so very different, nobody to talk to, no one to eat with, no one to sleep and cuddle up to, no one to plan a day with. Its a dead existence. I hate my life. Just sitting in gods waiting room hoping the bus arrives soon.

Know exactly how that feels. Miss my mel so much. His birthday today. Life is horrid without him. Just feel sad all the time xx