Life not lived

I’m used to providing end of life care and dealing with death. What I can’t cope with is the death of my younger sister when she was only weeks old. She never left hospital and she never had a life. She would be 54 today and every year I grieve for the life she never had. I think of what she would be like and what her life would be like. Every year seems to get worse instead of better. I just wish I had more memories and more time with her.


Hello @Jilly61, thank you for sharing with us - I’m so sorry for the tragic loss of your sister. It is completely understandable for you to grieve the life she never had and the future you could have shared. Many of our members have experienced similar losses and will understand some of what you’re feeling.

You must have been only a child yourself when you lost her - I wonder if you have any ever had counselling or gotten any support for your grief? We offer support which you might want to take a look at. Our Online Bereavement Support includes our free online bereavement counselling, our Grief Guide which has interactive tools to help you cope with grief, and Grief Coach, where you can receive personalised support via text.

There is also our Losing a sibling category, where you can read threads by people who have lost siblings, too.

I hope you find the community to be a support - please do keep reaching out, you’re not alone.
