
So many times I have sat and read heartbreaking stories off everyone’s feelings off overwhelming grief but it has taken me months to write my own cause it has happened but finding it so hard to accept
I lost my husband in May he was 54 and we had been married for 34 years .he died overnight from a blood clot totally unexpected .I have blocked out the awful early morning off that day the call to the emergency services the trying to bring him back to life
The month following making arrangements
Sorting things out now I have nothing to sort and I feel a total loneless and helplessness and overwhelming feelings off sadness trying to find a way forward


Hi Sandra 1966 so very sad for your loss my husband passed away 11 years ago in very similar circumstances.Even now the grief can be overwhelming .My son my only child was there to support sadly I lost him too March this year.The loneliness yes is so overwhelming every little thing upsets .He was such a caring loving man .Sandra I would like to give you some helpful advice to make things better but I can not.I do get out and about does it help probably a bit but I always want to get back to my memories.We just have to get up each day and carry on.From now on our lives will never be the same we know that .I am on a waiting list for counselling don’t know if it will help but I will try.Something you may think about too.But yes I know all we want back is our loved one and we can’t have that.Take care look after yourself lots of love.Marg 1


So sorry for the loss off your husband and your son
I have developed a fear of what else could happen
I have two sons and I worry for them
I lost my mum in Feb this year just before my husband and I find it so hard to talk to my dad cause I know how much he is hurting and I cannot say anything that will make it better I have two sisters and a twin brother who are coping with the loss of mum and trying to help me as well
Take care sandra

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Hi Sandra … So sorry to read of your loss. I am in a similar situation and finding it more difficult now than I did at the time. I lost my husband and best friend of 46 years at the end of May … he went out on a bike ride, had a cardiac arrest and never came home. I also was in denial for a long time and expected him to just walk through the door at any time. It took me a long time to accept that this would never again happen. All through arranging funeral, sorting out financials I seemed to cope very well, I had things to keep me going during the days, and no one saw how long and lonely the nights were … Now everything is sorted, and I just feel lost every single day … I function through the day … and at night just lie there for hours until its time to get up and function again. I’m also trying to find a way forward, and I’m sure there is one, but I also have now accepted what has happened (I think) and need to let out the grief I held in when I was having to be strong and sort out my life.
Hope you can find some comfort in the words of others who totally understand what you are going through.