Lit my candle


Hi , lit my candle for my darling husband . Why am I feeling so bloody emotional ,I’m sobbing , stupid me , stupid💩life I have now . Thinking of you and all the other sad lonely people tonight . Xtake carex


Candle lit for my beautiful wife Janet. I miss you more each day my darling . Even after nearly 3 years the pain of your loss is no less . I will love you for always . Thank you my darling for giving me 56 years of your life. I love you with all my heart x


I’ve lit a candle for the love of my life happy wedding anniversary my darling first one without you xxx


I have lit my candle for my darling husband who I miss more every day. My first unbearable Christmas without him.


A candle lit for my beautiful John who died ten weeks ago. God, this is so, so hard.


I lit 3 candles tonight. One for Mum, one for Dad and now one for my husband who died 3 months ago. There have been tears tonight I won’t lie, but I’m trying to get comfort from the wonderful memories made in our 50 year lifetime together. I hope everyone gets through the next few days intact.


I have lit my candles for my dad, my partner and my soulmate Sammy my beloved dog.
Forever missed, forever loved and forever in my heart.
Such a difficult day, Xmas will never be the same without them. Hugs to everyone and hope we all manage to get through tomorrow in the best way we can


Candle lit for my partner of 19 year who I lost just over 5 weeks ago suddenly and unexpectedly. It is going to be a horrible couple of days, can’t wait for it all to be over. Christmas will never be the same and the sadness, emotions and loneliness is overwhelming.

I very much feel for everyone at this difficult time who is struggling with their own personal grief and send you my love and best wishes in whatever you are doing in trying to cope and survive the next few hours. x


Lit a candle for my mum tonight, played the songs that she liked and there were tears. The candle is also for my aunts and uncles lost in the last year. I just picture them all together, missed so much. Take care everyone :two_hearts:


Lit a candle for my gorgeous wife Christine. I love you so much sweetie and miss you terribly.

Hugs and comfort to everyone. x


Lit my candle for the love of my life, my gorgeous husband Kenny. How I miss him every minute of every day. Hugs to all missing their love tonight xx


I was same … in floods of tears ! Kissed his photo and held his ashes ! After a year its still so hard not to have him here ! My life was so secure then … now its a blubberibg mess most of the time ! I dunno what im even doing half the time ! Im just winging it and just dunno who to trust anymore … i totally trusted my husband but nobody else comes close … :frowning: xx


I lit my candle tonight. I realise I am one of the lucky ones - married for 64 yrs. It has only been 5 weeks and I miss him so desperately. God Bless my darling. Love you so much xxxxx


So hard @Rome18 … last year he had just gone and i was numb, this year i feel every pain and disappointment and lonliness of not having a darling husband anymore - i fliipping hate it ! xx


Thank you. So well put xx

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My son is here and we lit a candle for my husband, who passed in February, while eating dinner and enjoying films.


Lit my candle last night. Then cried solidly for three hours. Started again this morning.
Thinking of you all out there going through exactly the same emptiness and being totally broken.
Get through the day in whatever way you can. Only 15 hours left of the day.


Aw i know … made me cry too ! Think i might pop over to daughters later ifbi can. Dont want to be by myself all day ive decded … too sad … c if i can. Take care everyone. its awful innit this being alone ! Im bloody sick.of it ! Xx


Never could I imagine pain like this, take care Debs do what you need to for your self x