Life will never be the same. I had 39 years with the most wonderful human who I was lucky enough to be raised by, and call Dad. I felt safe, protected, loved, and cared for by Dad, even as a grown adult, and I know he’d have made me feel those things even if I was in my 50s or 60s. Hes gone now. The world is a different place. Scary sometimes. Feels like hell some days. I said goodbye while machines kept him “alive”. I had to walk away from his hospital bed knowing I’d never see him alive again. Threw myself at the poor nurse who practically carried me along the corridor to my family. Some days I feel so lost and sad that this is my life now. My Mam lived for him, now she has to go through retirement alone. None of their plans will materialise. He won’t be there while his grandchildren grow. I miss his advice. I miss his laugh. I miss his guitar. I miss his outlook on life. I miss the music and jokes that we shared. Some days it feels like hell.
Hi Lynnbug
My Dad died ten days before my 59th birthday, last year. Someone said to me that my dad was an old man and I was lucky to have had him so long. I’m still angry at that. It doesn’t matter what age we are, losing a parent is horrible.
My Dad was my guiding light, my hero, my constant. Life without him is hellish.
My Mum died 16 weeks later and I can’t process the huge hole in my life where my parents should be.
The silent phone kills me a little every day, we spoke daily and I will miss my parents for the rest of my life.
I think the grieving process isn’t something we can avoid, we just have to go through it .
I’ve lost interest in most things. My children are adults with their own lives.
There is no enjoyment in life just now. I get through the days by staying home and reading .
I wish you well and send support, you are not alone .
Take care .
I’m truly sorry, Annie. I cannot imagine losing both parents in such a short space of time. The pain I feel is unlike anything else I’ve ever experienced, like a nightmare, but it’s real. The comment made to you about your Dad being old and how lucky you are was thoughtless, I can’t imagine a time I’d ever feel ready to say goodbye.
I find comfort in reading books about spirits and the afterlife. I know that we all hold various different beliefs, and I won’t ever try to push mine onto anyone else but if you’re interested I can recommend some good books that have helped bring me peace in the belief that Dad is still around, and we’ll see each other again. Thank you for your comment and support. Heartfelt condolences to you too
Thanks for your message Lynnbug. I agree, I couldn’t imagine ever being ready to say goodbye to my parents, no matter their or my, age.
I’m glad you have found comfort, I take comfort in my faith which tells me we will meet again.
Take care of yourself .
You too, Annie
Just reading your posts @Annie139 and @Lynnbug, my heart goes out to you both
Where do we even begin to try and find a way to living life without our parents, mum or dad or both. To lose both in such a short time is beyond words tbh. I lost my mum in aug 23, 17 months of overwhelming grief and trying my absolute best to still function and not derail and not let my mum down. I then lost my auntie 3 weeks later who was mum no 2. My emptiness is honestly nobody in my life can even begin to understand. People on this site do understand and this helps me find a safe space to express myself
I hope you are both coping as best you can and I wanted to send love and strength to you both. You’re not alone on here xx:kissing_heart:
Hi VictoriaB1
Thanks for your reply. I get by just pottering one day at a time.
I can’t sleep and have no enjoyment in life just now .
There are kind people on here and I value all the support.
I hope you are ok, take care .