
I have really struggled today. Nearly a year since my husband died after 41 years of marriage.
Both of my sons are too busy to come and see me. Feeling totally abandoned.
Wanting this so called family time to be over

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Carole…I’m sorry you feel like this. You need to focus on yourself. Other people - even family don’t know what it feels like. Find something, no matter how small to enjoy tomorrow.

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I agree with Johnny. Think nice thoughts, or failing that, watch some tv to try to take your mind off things for a while.
This grief is horrendous. Sometimes I don’t know what to do with myself as I miss my husband so much.Christmas, Easter etc are just nightmares now but we have to endure them. I have just lit a Christmas Eve candle ( you may have seen on SR that lots of us are doing that to honour our loved ones). Sounds silly, but it really helps me, as I somehow feel linked to him. It might help you to do that, but if not, remember, you are not alone. Our good wishes include everyone who is struggling with this awful grief.
Keep safe, we are with you.
Love and hugs, Ann x


Yeah…we might not know each other but lighting the candle is showing symbolically that we all feel the loss at this time of year very personally but that there are others in the same position. My thoughts aren’t alone, I know many people are feeling it tonight. Just got to focus on the life shared…and how beautiful that was x


It is hard Carole, but only the people going through it understand the pain. I don’t know the answer, I’m very new to this, my husband only died 11 weeks ago. I’m going out for a walk tomorrow whatever the weather, it’s the only way I can clear my head.


I am very lucky that I have lots of good friends but Christmas is a time for family. I walk my dog for at least an hour every day.
You don’t know how lonely life is unless you have been through it. Wishing you a peaceful time x


Well said, Johnny x

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I have a son from a previous relationship, but sadly no one knows the real pain of loosing the one, unless they have, might not mean a lot , but you have my best wishes.
Take care.

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The same to you Pete. Just get through the next few days as best as you can. That’s what I’m aiming for.

Yes, one step at a time, would be nice , one day to all meet up, just, we all made contact, in the worst of circumstances, stay strong, .

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I totally agree I to feel so lonely, me and Gary were never apart, even when we were at work we would phone each other at least 4 times during the day. We did everything together. I find lying in bed is the worst, I remain on my side where I have his ashes at the side of the bed and often move my feet to find his, then realise he is not there. Our daughter and her boyfriend are going to my mam’s for Christmas lunch but I have choose to be alone. I simply can’t face it. I may go for a long walk down at the beach so I can gather my thoughts and cry .

Do whatever you feel is right for you x

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So sorry for your loss. For me it is my second Christmas alone though last year with my wife passing in August I was in a complete daze most of the time. Luckily I am able to spend a little time with our daughter and son in law, but as last year, and the whole time since,the emptiness and sadness has been the worst thing I have experienced. We were together just 50 years and married 45,so I understand a little how empty and lonely you must feel. It is very difficult. I have had to force myself to even get up in the morning many times and let alone smile. I haven’t been looking forward to this time and admit that there is little joy in it for me any more,if any. I hope you can stay as strong as you can and if I can help in any way, like many on this forum, then we are here for you. Malcolm

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