
The loneliness I would feel on this especially in the evenings. My partner is gone now 7 years and 2day is r wedding anniversary. Just a short one to start off.


Hi Ruth, welcome to the community and I’m sorry for you loss.
Happy wedding anniversary, a day to remember and reflect on the love and life you shared together.
My husband has only been gone just over a year, but my sister in law who lost her husband 36yrs ago tells me the feeling never goes no matter how long the period of time.
You are right the evenings are the loneliest times, that’s the time went I miss just him not being there even if we are not chatting, the companionship, no one to comment to about something on the TV.
We are all here for you.
Debbie X


Dear Ruth

It takes courage to put up your first post, especially about something so personal and painful. Anniversaries are always a time for reflection and it doesn’t matter what the number is, how many years have passed. As Debbie says, those feelings never leave you.

The one thing about this forum is the help and support you receive from people who are in pain too, and who truly understand what you are feeling. Keep reaching out, there is always someone here for you.

With all good wishes,


Thinking of you all I am feeling very lonely today miss my husband so much almost a year ticking along I find myself coming on this site to see how you all cope it helps
Take care xx


Hi Ruth,

Welcome to our our community.

I am sorry for your loss and as has been said by others, the feelings of loss never go away, in time we learn to live with them and cope better than before.

A couple of weeks ago it was Joyce’s 8th birthday since she passed away. My feelings of loss are always greatest at the anniversaries and in the early days, difficult to cope with. Now I cope by using the day to remember and celebrate the life and time that we had together. It helps a lot.

I know only too well how lonely life can be after loss. Though outwardly, at work I may have seemed fine, but once I was home I stayed there, I felt safe somehow. Weekends the same. The turning point for me was one night I went to bed and realising that it wasn’t even 8pm that I had to do something. I started to go into town on a Weekend, just to look around and have a coffee. A few weeks later, I dusted down a cycle I hadn’t used for ten years and really that was it. I loved it and that was the start of me beginning to cope a little better. I now cycle and do a lot of walking with a group.

Best wishes