I lost my husband last October. We had known each other over 50 years. I miss him so much and hate living alone. Family are good but they are busy getting on with their own lives…
I’m trying to get out every day but hate coming back to an empty house. Any help would be much appreciated.
Im sorry you are having to deal with this. Life is definitely different now they are gone.
I think reaching out on here is a good starting point. We have all lost and are learning to build a new life. It’s definitely daunting but we all get it and understand.
I too lost my husband in August. . I too have a family who I Know love me but they also have their own lives and are also grieving , but they can go to their own homes with their loved ones and I’m left here with his possessions but an empty house. I have no answers I’m sorry but I truly feel for you
Thank you for understanding
I lost my partner 17 months ago. I also hate living alone and I am still very lonely. I do not have a family for support either. What has made it worse is that due to stress I had Shingles last April and still have on-going problems from that illness. Therefore I cannot offer any suggestions but I do jigsaw puzzles as I need something absorbing to take my mind off living alone. It does help.
I am dealing with the same feelings but it pales massively in comparison to what you must be going through.
I don’t have any solutions, that’s partly why I’m here to see how others cope. But I think it’s greatly important for people, young and old, to be able to relate with others about these devastating emotions and life altering changes. It’s so extremely devastating to remain in the house alone that two people built up as a home together.
I’ve found that setting apart time dedicated entirely to grieving and reminiscing helps to, if not process these feelings easier, get used to them being there. Especially if you dedicate a certain spot or room in your house to your husband in way of a shrine or memorial and spending that important time there.
Our society has a habit of fleeing away from these feelings by getting on with things and distracting oneself from these feelings, and while that is also important, I think that there’s a lot of power in also letting everything sink in and feeling it.
I’m young however, so I don’t know much, but this is the best I’ve got.