
I keep getting an overwhelming urge to speak to my husband. He died on 31/8. The other night it was like a full on panic attack which my niece kindly talked me down from. I just want to speak to him so much. We were together 22 years and I’m lost.


Dear @Tiaposy

I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your husband. One of the most difficult parts of a bereavement can be the feelings of loneliness that comes with it, nothing can prepare you for it. What you are experiencing is normal and part of the grieving process. It is ok to talk out aloud as if your husband was there with you.

Sue Ryder has a Grief Guide that contains useful information to help you understand and cope with your bereavement and grief, explore your emotions and feelings and hear from others experiencing grief. When you are ready, it would be worth taking a look at.

Cruse Bereavement have advice on how to cope with the Loneliness 13. It would be worth having a read to see how it can help you.

If you type in the search bar Loneliness you can connect with members here who have experienced and been in the same position as yourself.

I do hope the above will be of help to you. You are not alone, we are all here to support you. Please continue to reach out and take care of yourself.




I am sorry for your loss
Why can’t you talk to your husband
If you feel it will help you - do it
There is no right or wrong with dealing with grief

When my husband died I wrote in a journal
All my feelings how angry I was that he had gone we were together 25 years
Then when my mum died 9 months later I wrote to them both
Writing down I was sharing my life with them my hurt my sadness
But also the happy events too

It helped me cope with life and my grief
3 years later I still write in it

It’s what is best for you to get through this different chapter in your life
We are all in this club now that we didn’t want to join
Even just coming on this site
Share your feelings and thoughts
Might just give you the strength

Sending my love