
Here we go again sitting here Friday afternoon waiting for another long lonely weekend not coping again 7 weeks Sunday jannie died it did not help this morning say I can’t claim some of my wife’s old age pension she only received one month’s money before she died but paid in all her life this government is rubbish she was only 66 in August I miss her so much I just feel awful I hate weekends sorry for moaning I know I not the only one suffering but its just so hard to cope with this


Hi , the weekends are horrid . I work all week but hate that as well . I use to love a weekend . Friday night knowing me and husband had all weekend together .not always doing much , but doing it together . Now it’s just long lonely days . Spent thinking of my happy life and what I should really be doing ( like housework,) now. But I have no motivation no purpose no life. Almost 15 months since he died .and it’s getting worse every day . My husband was 59 when he died .so his pension is gone .I won’t be entitled to a penny of it . If I reach pension age. He also worked all his life. It’s terrible how we are left to just manage . With all the grief and heartbreak as well as worrying about living costs . Thinking of you xtake carex

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Hi, I know exactly how you feel, it’s been 11 months since I lost my beautiful wife, and I still dread weekends coming round, like you said it was time that you spent together weather you made it a busy weekend or a lazy weekend it was quality time you spent together doing what you both wanted to do, if you go out all you tend to see is couples holding hands, chatting, and having a laugh together, and with Christmas around the corner makes it worse, this really bites at me and I end up coming home and having a meltdown and clearing of to bed.Take Care Mickere x


We will get though this together sending hugs x

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We will survive don’t know how yet sending hugs x

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I know what you mean. My husband worked all his life, got his pension at age 66, died suddenly age 67. So got his pension probs just over a year. He died at my place of work (26 years) and family didn’t want me to go back. Would’ve been difficult. Have been unfortunate to have had two jobs since with toxic female bosses. Resigned from second job last week. Only got bereavement support payment that runs out in April. I’m 62 so a few years to go before I get my pension. Seems very unfair that my husbands pension has gone into the ether. Currently looking at options.

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Hi ,oh dear that’s awful ,our lives now are hard enough without the need to look for new work,and then to have as you say toxic female bosses. What is the matter with people these days. No compassion . I can understand how difficult it would of been for you to return to your place of work . We really don’t need triggers to set us off . And I think that would of been the biggest trigger ever . Every day is a struggle as it is . Hope you do find a better option. sending hugs xtake carex

Thank you. Trying my best. All I can do x. One foot in front of the other ….

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Weekends are very long as you say they were quality time. Loneliness is an awful emotion. You can be on your own and be content when it is a choice but grief and loss is not a choice.

My husband died just after his 65 birthday so he didn’t get any of his pension. I am now just 63 so I don’t know how one is supposed to live. I had stopped work but my husband did some part time work. We had put some money away for retirement not a lot but some now I have to live on that money. So not only did I loose my husband but my financial security as well.

However I am luckier than a lot of people, I have a house, food and warmth. I try and find positives and things to be grateful for like my puppy curled up next to me.