My husband passed away a week ago and I am really struggling and no one seems to want to help, family are just expecting me to carry on as if nothing has happened, “friends” seem to disappear after a couple of texts and I just feel so alone with no one to talk to. Does anyone else feel like this?
Im sorry for your loss.
I also lost my partner 2 weeks ago and although i have amazing people around me i still feel alone.i bought myself a grief journal where i write to my partner every evening about my day,my feelings and our memories and it is helping a also seeing my doctor and talking which has been a great help,xx
I do hope you find some comfort and just look after yourself,be kind to yourself as people keep telling me xx
I think it is a sad reflection of the whole bereavement industry that help only seems to be available after several weeks/months. My wife died at the end of November and I really needed help in the couple of weeks before Christmas but nobody wanted to know. The Samaritans aren’t geared to bereavement, or at least the volunteer I spoke too wasn’t. The local agencies were either closed for the holiday or they didn’t have the resource. What really hurts is that the Hospice, Macmillan and GP all said that they would be there for me but when I put out my cry for help there was nothing. I did manage to get 1:1 help just after New Year but by then I was suicidal. SInce then I have grabbed at anything and everything I can purely because I fear not to do so will mean they cut me off and I end up without any help.
Already at the end of day 59 and I cry every day. I walk the dog in the morning and sit and watch TV all afternoon until its time to go to bed. No energy, no incentive to do anything else. I have to force myself to talk to people or go to the shops. The only reason I am still alive is I promised my wife I would look after the dog.
Be safe, be well and remember the happier times. And always remember that your husband would have only every wanted the best for you as you would have wanted for him and that sentiment doesn’t stop when a heart stops beating.
Take care
Your not alone, after 6 weeks i feel worse now than when jeanie passed. Tonight i cried like a baby. To be honest iv found more comfort from social media than anywhere, stay strong x
Thank god we have our dogs to keep us going x
I feel totally the same .If it wasn’t for the dog .It’s been 3 months for me but I’ve gone back now to church and to the choir and being with people is helping a tiny bit .
I hope you all stay strong