
I lost my soulmate Keith, June 2019, I couldn’t and still can’t believe he has gone. We were married, then divorced, then good friends, then soulmates. one way or another we were together for 48 years. We loved one another unconditionally, we were totally loyal to one another, we vowed to always be there for one another, never in our wildest thoughts, did we think anything like this would happen, we thought we would grow old together. We did everything together. Keith was such a wonderful person, kind, caring, funny, he was a positive person, where I am a negative person, he would make me see things differently. When Keith was diagnosed and started treatment, I always took him to the appointments at Kings, we always had some lunch there, we had a running joke, the things we do for a day out. I remember driving up there around Christmas time, we would sing Christmas songs in my car, we particularly liked, the 12 days of Christmas and laugh if we got it wrong. Keith was a constant, always there, and now he isn’t, and I miss him so much, there are not words to describe how I feel, even 3 years later, the pain is there, what I would give to have Keith back.


Soulmate 1
I can relate to your story. Paul had a brain tumour (as well as two other cancers) and we travelled to the Royal Marsden for CyberKnife treatment. I knew he was ill but it was still such a shock that he died 1st December 2020. I still find myself hoping it was just a nightmare and I will wake up from it. As the second year looms I find I have accepted he’s not coming back but I so miss him, Best wishes to all sad people with Christmas round the corner.