Long term grief

I’m really struggling with my dad’s death. I’m drinking more than I should to try and block things out, feel like I’m on my own with no real purpose , I’m absolutely dreading Father’s Day and just want to lock myself away from it all, things in shops advertising it makes it so real that my dad is gone


Hi @Daddysgirl123 ,

Thank you so much for sharing this with the community :blue_heart: I’m sure someone will be along to offer their support, but I just wanted to let you know that you have been heard and you are not alone.

Take good care,

Hi sorry to hear you lost your dad.
I lost my mum nearly 8 years ago. I’m lucky my dad is still here and I know the day is going to come when I lose my dad. I used to think my mum would be here forever it never entered my head my mum would leave me. But now after experiencing the loss of my mum I I am ready to lose my dad. It scares me that it’s going to happen anytime soon. He could live to 90 he’s 80 now even 100. No ones the day and year
I dread Mother’s Day more than anything it fills me with anger everytime. It gets to me when I see other people with their mums. Do they know how lucky they are to still have their mum? No I doubt it. So I can only imagine the anger you feel on Father’s Day. I have this anger regarding my daughter who I fought for custody for 20 years ago this month and 20 years later I don’t get so much as a Father’s Day card from her. It’s heartbreaking. And even though my daughter is still here I feel like I lost my daughter the day my ex wife took her away and the family court disgracefully played a part in it my daughter are completely estranged 20 years later

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