I lost my partner 7 weeks ago, suddenly
I feel so lonely
My employers have been so unsupportive which hasnt helped me or my mental health.
I miss adult conversations
Friends invite me round but its not the same
I miss him & the company
So sorry for your loss, i understand what you are going through, i gave up work 2 weeks after he passed. Im now on antidepressants as im struggling without him and just want to be with him.
Being on here helps me get my feelings out and nobody judging you.
Its been 10 weeks since he went and it feels like yesterday.
Im sorry for your loss @Poppet1973
My gp wont give me antidepressants she feels i need to try & ride it out.
Its the worst feeling.
I got them because I was and at an all down low and have feelings of being with him everyday, theres a void in my life now that wont go away.
Are they working ?
Are you keeping busy with friends or family ? Xxxx
They are helping me sleep, my son is in the army, his sister has her own family and my brother has his family, i tell the kids im ok because they have their own grief of losing their dad.
My friends don’t live where I live as we bought the house when he retired from the army in 2022. This was supposed to be our forever home, we had so many dreams and now they’re gone.
I don’t go out very much, when I do i end up getting upset and come home,
so i only go out when I need to.
Sorry for rambling