
I wasn’t sure which category to put this in…but I’m struggling with feeling very lonely and being lonely especially with Christmas approaching…I’ve experienced many losses and was so close to my beautiful mum who I nursed when she was terminally ill…the loneliness can feel that bad and painful it hurts.

Just wounderd others can relate to this horrible feeling- experience.? Probably not expressed it very well.

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Tray, I think almost all of us know this loneliness and as you say with Christmas approaching it just gets worse. I don’t have any answers only to say you are not alone. Christmas can be a dreadful time but try to remember it’s just one day and if that means doing nothing, then it’s just one day of doing nothing. Sending lots of hugs and special blessings. S xx

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I’m sorry you have gone through this and feeling lovely.
Christmas can be a hard time whilst grieving
Last christmas was the first since I lost my nan, and with this christmas approaching I understand some of the feelings you may be experiencing.
As @SusieM said you arent alone, please remember that
Take care xx

Hi Susie and Skler,

Thank you so much for your reply.

I think because this Christmas there seems to be lot more emphasis on it being family get together…which is lovely for those that have lots family but not when experienced alot of loss…this year it seems to be really getting to me and I’m struggling with it…the adverts etc seem to be on even earlier than previous years.

The loneliness is painful…just keep being so aware of it and it hurts…I’m very grateful for your kind response s and for this site xx

I understand what you mean, just try and remember christmas is just one day and only holds significance if you want it to.
Reaching out on here was brave and is a step towards your healing.
I only just joined today to try and reach out to people.
If you want to message me on here to talk please feel free

Thank you both for replying…means alot to me…

I’ve got brain fog atm but just wanted to say thank you xx

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