
Lost my partner 5 May 2023 is it normal to feel lonely and isolated. Keep being told to cheer up and put a smile on my face and do this and try that. I’m finding hard


It’s very normal I to feel like that even when I have people round me .im 67 retired and find it very hard to fill my day .im not a very outwardly going person so find it very hard to talk to people and make friends.
But all we can hope is that it gets better


I’m 67 too. Like you say even in a crowded room and with good friends who have supported me feel alone. House is empty after being a carer for last four years. Thank you for your reply it means a lot


Pam14 i am like you shy quiet person pain is allways there even in crowded room take care

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Hi @Pam14
I, like you am not really outgoing and feel that’s what adds to the loneliness. I’m so sorry for your loss, I lost my mam in January :broken_heart:
Take care xx

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Hi @Denise3
That is so normal and people who say pu a smile on your face obviously haven’t experienced intense grief. It’s a journey we we go through with waves of intense sadness. I’ve been told many times “You’ll get there” I think we just need to try and believe it
Take care :heart:

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Pixiecat well said they have never experaince our grief

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Thank you to all who have responded.


Hi pixiecat
Im sorry for your loss
I lost my husband in October 2023
Take care xx

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You take care too. Thank you x

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I lost my wife on 17 April 2023 and I’ve never known loneliness and despair like it. In the last 2 weeks i’ve started to talk with another widow on line and am really feeling lifted as a result. I find my step children have their own lives and you don’t want to impose or bring them down bu speaking one to one with someone has worked for me. I’m so sorry for your loss Take care.


Hi @Pam14
Thanks for your post. I’m so sorry for your loss and wish you all the best going forward, keep posting, it will help
Take care :heart:

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I lost my Rob in July 2023. The loneliness for me is at night and on weekends when we would be doing things together. I’ve joined some groups to keep me busy in the daytime.
Im only 61 and was married gor 34 years but known each other since we were 5. We knew in May we only had weeks and talked about my future and how I needed to make a new normal (i guess others say new life) I am going away doing things but its still lonley and I dont know when my new way of living will become my new normal.


So very sorry for your loss,
I am 15 months into this horrendous journey,
Some days i feel like i am going to wake up
And it has been a bad nightmare ,
I do walk a lot and go out with a friend shopping or for a meal ,
Take Care


Yeh it helps to talk to other people who are interested in you doesnt it ? I have been friends with a man who walks his dog when i do and up to this point it has been really nice, hes seperated. But recently found out he has a complicated story behind him … with his ex … and what started off just being pleasant and fun and supportive i suppose is now starting to get a bit “complicated” as he was on about his ex the other.day ! Hes been sepearated 4 years ! Whats that all about ?


I’m so sorry. I suppose everyone takes baggage with them but it would have been good for you if it had been sstraightforward. If you need to talk I’m a DM away

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Yeh its ok. I just put it down to the fact that hes a bit of a plonker really ! You live and learn i suppose but really didnt need this now but baby steps i suppose. What it has brought home is that i wouldnt even be in this position if my husband was still here :frowning: and i wish he was x


sending hugs