Looking after yourself!

Please keep messaging on here. All my best to you​:blue_heart::people_hugging:


Good morning, I was just wondering how you are getting on…I really hope you’ve had some good news :blush:

Not yet, next appointment is on the 4th July, hopefully there will be a reason to have a 2nd course of chemo, otherwise, it’s a bad symptom day today, the confusion between brain mouth and hands is just not happening this morning!



Sorry to hear your having a bad symptom day! Life is just so cruel sometimes :pensive:

I really hope things improve and you get positive results on the 4th :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:

Apparently it’s called chemo brain, common a few days after the last dose? :smirk:



At least you know it’s common :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Love and prayers for you. I have been so immersed in my own pain it is easy to forget other people. You are an inspiration that despite your own grief and illness you care about others.
God bless. Xx


Sorry for your loss, even in my situation, I can say that you will come through this, fill a jar with marbles, every so often, take one out, put it away, and look at the space in the jar, the more space you have more room to live in?

I lost my sister in april everything happened so quick and trying to be there for her kids the youngest age 25 none of us knew she was so poorly i know shes pain free now but still hard to get my head round it i just try to be busy but having a bad day today

So sorry to hear your having a bad day today @Penny65
It’s so soon since the loss of your sister everything will be feeling raw and so painful. We all understand how you feel and are here to listen and support you whenever you need it - keep posting if it helps. You are not alone in this horrible journey we all have to take xxx

What a surreal day, having to discuss arrangements for your own funeral, not the easiest thing to do with your daughter, but has to be done, as I don’t have long, but it make it easier for my children :disappointed:



I’m devastated for you. I was really hoping you had some good news coming your way.

Your such a considerate person making arrangements to save your children from the extra heartache, your inspirational :two_hearts:

Sending lots of love and a big warm hug :hugs: xx

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So very sorry. Sending love and hugs. You are an inspiration and have touched many hearts here.


I am so sorry.
I so wanted to hear better news.
You’ve been so brave encouraging everyone else to watch their health.
My thoughts are with you and your family

Sending love to you x


Oh that must be so hard for all of you. It’s amazingly brave of you to be having these conversations and your daughter must be so proud of you and how you are managing. Such an inspiration to us all.
Take care of yourself as much as you can.
Sending love and strength. Just so sad to hear. Xx


Good morning @blighty5531

Was just thinking about you, I’m sure you were waiting for some news yesterday? Hope everything is as well as it can be.

Sending lots of love xxx

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Yes I was, chemo to continue 1st dose this morning, and more to come stronger dose, hopefully buy me some more time, and help with some of the symptoms of the tumour, thanks for asking :crossed_fingers:



Sending lots of love and possive vibes. Bless you xxx

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You are in our thoughts. Sending love and best wishes, my friend. Xx

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Loving thoughts and good wishes to you

X x

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