Looking after yourself!

Just a reminder, those of us who are grieving, to not forget your own health, my wife died shortly before Christmas, while I have been to busy grieving I did forget about me, I ignored some symptoms as part of my grief and possibly the side effects of antidepressants, yesterday I ended up in A&E, I thought I was having a stroke, not the case, I had missed some changes in my speach and some motor skills, like writing, turns out I hava brain tumour, if I had paid more attention to my health this could have been picked up nearly 2 months ago! Hopefully not too much damage done but I will have to wait and see what happens, so please, thank about your own health!


I’m so sorry to hear this. You have given good advice. Please do message back . Keep connected on here. :purple_heart::pray::people_hugging:


Hi @blighty5531

How terrible, hopefully not to much damage has been done. Thanks for reminding us :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Take care xx


So sorry for you.
Thsnkyou for thinking of others at a time like this

Sending hugs

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Oh I am so sorry @blighty5531
You must be finding this so hard to deal with, without your wife and also still early grieving for her loss.
Do you have family or friends who are around to support you ? Let them help you if you can and keep posting on here for support from this community.
Sending you lots of hugs and a bucketful of strength. Xx

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For anyone that read my posts, my diagnosis has now been changed, straight to palliative care, I have a matter of weeks, so again, listen to your body, if something is not right, go to the doctor :+1:


So sorry
I wish I could say something to help.
I can’t so I’ll just say I’m thinking of you and sending you love
Thankyou for worrying about all of us on here
Liz x

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Oh @blighty5531 you sound like such a kind and caring person, to post on here to advise us to be vigilant about our health, when you’ve had such a horrible diagnosis. :yellow_heart: So sorry to read this. I hope you have the people you need around you.

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I am so sorry @blighty5531
What terrible news and what a horrible time to get such a diagnosis. Not that anytime is good.
I pray you have people around you that can support and love you - don’t know what else to say - life is so cruel sometimes.
Sending much love and hugs xx



How shocking! What a cruel world we live in, I’m devastated for you!

I don’t want to sound insensitive but at least your sufferings both for the loss of your wife and the loss of yours will not go on for to long. Your beautiful wife and angels will be waiting to guide you through your next big adventure. A place where you can hold hands with you wife, smell her hair and snuggle her. A place were there is no pain only love.

I’m sending you all the love in the world, all the strength you will need and my encouragement to be brave.

Thank you for your support on here :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Love and hugs xxx


A quick update, for some reason a doctor at the hospital gave information to my gp that wasn’t 100% accurate, I have now seen the head consultant, who has offered a glimmer of hope, they’re going to try intensive chemo, not to cure, but see if it can give me more time, fingers crossed, just wish I’d been given that news at the same time, not 4 days later!


Thats wonderful!
fingers and everything else crossed for you.

Big hugs
Liz x

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That’s amazing, really hope all goes well and there’s a good chance for you :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Sending you positivity and hope that your treatment works xx

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Thank you for keeping us updated :yellow_heart:.

For those of you who are following what I’m going thru, I have started a course of chemo therapy in a small attempt to give me a little more time, if no improvement after two rounds it will stop and I’ll just make the most of what time I have, regardless, take care of yourselves, and thank you all for your words of support :grin:


You are amazing :yellow_heart:


As is everyone here!


Fingers and everything crossed for you

Big hugs x

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I do hope your treatment goes well for you.
Such tragedy and sorrow - I wish you well in what is to come.
Sending much love and strength. Xx

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I’m so pleased for you! I really hope it works, you deserve it to.

Be strong, be brave, be positive and be persistent :hugs:

Sending lots of love and hugs :purple_heart:xx