Loosing a parent to soon to terminal cancer

My beautiful mum was diagnosed with a Glioblastoma multiforme in august 2021, after suffering sudden speech disturbances in June 2020 and being firstly diagnosed with a stroke, it wasn’t until November 2020 we discovered it was in fact a brain tumour and then a further 9 months until we had a formal GBM4 diagnosis. Mum won her battle on 18th September 2021 at 12:20am, at 53 years young. She is incredibly missed, loved & cherished every minute of the day. :white_heart:

I’m angry, upset hurt and lost. Everyday is a struggle with life. My mum was my world my best friend my routine my life, even before she was diagnosed. She was my lifeline, my call in need, my emergency contact, my everything I’m lost beyond hope. Watching her dissappear so cruely and so slowly watching her be eaten from the inside is something my heart mind or body cannot process :broken_heart:


Thank you for sharing your story with your Mum. She sounds like a wonderful person and that you shared a special bond.

I’m so sorry for your loss. Please reach out on here - as I will - when we need support. Or just, when we want the chance to talk about how special our Mums were. They still are and we will remember them with so much love.

Take care



So sorry for both of you. I lost my mum too. 11 weeks tomorrow. It’s been hard. Hardest and most messed up time of my life. Keep talking. All here for each other. Sending love xx


I’m so sorry about your Mum.

Thank you for reaching out to help others during such a difficult time in your life.

I don’t think I’ve felt so lost and vulnerable.

Take care


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No. Feel the same way. Lost. Vulnerable and very alone!
Nic xx


To all of you here supporting each other through kindness while suffering your own grief, is heartening to see. My thoughts, love and sympathy to you all.
Miche24 x


Hi all today is my dad’s birthday I lost him 6 years ago this October to lung cancer, I put a post up earlier as I just felt I needed to not feel so alone in all of this as even with so much support its surprising how alone you feel, this grief can be so overwhelming and consuming, I just want you all to know that I’m thinking of you all and sending you all :heart: and I’m always at the end of a message if you need to chat and I also want to say a big big thankyou to everyone on here as you have all helped me more than you will ever know and I’m honestly forever grateful for that ,lorraine xxxx


Sending :heart: on a special day. Thanks for helping people on here. It means a lot.


Hey @Moomin, I’m so sorry for the loss of your mum, losing a parent leaves a massive void that can never be filled, and your so right when you said about feeling so vulnerable and lost, I think supporting eachother through this journey of grief may help us to feel alot less alone :heart: xxx

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Thank you for letting us know Lorraine, any time we are here for you.
with love


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Thankyou @Miche24 it’s really appreciated xx

I am very sorry for the loss of your special mum. It is cruel and unfair. My brother died at 65 of cancer. You have been through a dreadful experience. Thinking of you

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These feelings resonate so much with me. Sending you love and comfort.

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