Loosing a parent

Hi, I’m not even sure how to put into words what I’m feeling but I’m hoping someone can advise me or just maybe understand.
I lost my mum who was best friend 3 days ago, I have 3 children 2 of which have autism and my mum was like a second parent to them as I’m on my own with them, we spent every day together and she was a carer for my daughter, she died very sudden and very unexpectedly in her sleep we believe, I just don’t know how to live anymore, I don’t know how I’m meant to continue without her, the pain is just to much sometimes and the doctors won’t help me with anything because they said I’m a single parent and it wouldn’t be right to give me anything to help me sleep, I haven’t eaten or slept in 3 days, I can’t stop crying and my kids are just as broken as me and I’m trying my best to help them and guide them but I’m just so broken right now. Part of me at times to get through pretends this isn’t happening and then I feel intense guilt and it’s just gets worse, I’m so scared I will never be ok again, please say this gets easier x

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Hello @Rachel11,

I’m sorry about your mum. I’m hearing how painful this is all feeling and I want you to know that you’re not alone. There’s always someone out there to help you through this.

It sounds like you’re doing great supporting your children, but we know it can be so difficult to do so when we’re grieving, too. I wanted to share some resources with you which may be able to help.

Winston’s Wish provides emotional and practical bereavement support to children, young people and their families. You can get support here.

You might find also find our resource on the physical symptoms of grief helpful to read - it may help you to understand more of what kind of feelings you may experience, as your loss is so very recent and raw.

And remember the Samaritans are always there to talk to, day or night. You call call them on 116 123, or email jo@samaritans.org. Shout are also contactable by text, 24/7. You can text REMEDY to 85258 and talk to them about anything.

Hopefully someone will be along to offer their support, but I just wanted to share those links with you.

Take good care,


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Hi Rachel

I am so sorry for your loss. Hearing your story breaks my heart. I lost my mum over 2 and a half years ago. My mum helped a lot with my son, he was 8 at the time.I wish there was more support available to help you. You are handling so much and i just want to send you the biggest hug.I think you are an amazing mother and even though it doesnt feel like it,it will get easier as time goes on.It is early days and I’m guessing you are still in shock.Especially as you lost your mum suddenly,It must feel like the rugs been pulled from underneath you.I remember how i felt when my mum had just died i was in so much physical and emotional pain,i was so broken.It just feels like your on this never-ending rollercoaster. These feelings won’t last forever and you will be ok.Just know you are not alone.
Take care❤

Lost my wonderful, amazing and beautiful mum only 4 weeks ago so i know how you feel right now. Its hard isnt it feels never ending but lets hope we both find a way to come out the other side and remember what it was to have a mum we loved so much in our lives, a special love only a mother and daughter share. Take care😘