Loosing both nanas in two years

So I lost my nana to cancer two years ago and it took a massive effect on my mental health as I watched the whole process of hospital appointments, the loss of ability to do thing for her self and I was with her when she took her last breath.

Most recently I’ve just suddenly lost my other Nan who was more like a mum to me, and I haven’t really felt much emotion, not cried or expressed much sadness. I currently still live in her home. I always relied on my nana I have always lived with her due to a break down of a relationship with my mum. I feel I’m loosing my head and I’m not thinking straight. I feel so lonely and I’m only 24

Dear Tee, I’m am so sorry to hear about the deaths of both your Nans, I think how you are feeling is how your body and mind are trying to cope with the situation, which is horrible, there are so many different phases of grief and there is no right or wrong way to feel or deal with it, I hope you have at least got some supportive friends, in time you would probably benefit from some counselling, but in the meantime , you should get in touch with your GP to see if they can give you something to help you just now, sending love and hugs Jude xx