Loosing my belived

Its been 6 months since i lost my beloved it is still painful for me especially first thing in the morning and at night when i come home from work. No one to tell about my day . Hurts so much i miss my beloved. :sleepy:

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I’m so sorry you are feeling this way and have to bear this terrible loss.
6 months is still early days and everything will still be so hard to deal with.
Make sure you are looking after yourself and use this site if it helps. We all understand here and there are plenty folk to offer support and a listening ear.
Sending strength and hope xxx

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Thank you very much for your message it means a lot to me.:innocent:

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Exactly how I feel and it’s coming up to 14 months on 2 July :broken_heart:
sending big hugs :hugs: :hugs:

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Thank you very much.