Loosing my husband

My husband was killed,shot dead whilst he doing his job as a barber on the 12th January.It has all been a shock,we were married just over a year but sorting the visa out for here.This has happened in Jamaica we, been 6 years in two countries.I been having nightmares of shooting and seeing my husband’s body at the funeral.I am left a widow at the age of 47,he was 44.


@Michelle15 oh no that’s absolutely tragic . I am so sorry your husband has died . Your situation sounds so traumatic I am not surprised that you are having flashbacks etc . I’m sorry but I can’t say any more than this , except I really feel your pain xxx

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Im so sorry for your loss such a tragedy.
You will be in shock and suffering .
Sending hugs and :heart: to you and family.
Please look after yourself and keep posting
Take care


You are so young to be widowed and such traumatic circumstances . Thinking of you reach out if you can for professional help.


I’m so sorry for the loss of your husband, @Michelle15. Thank you for reaching out - I really hope you find the community to be a support to you.

You might also want to contact SAMM (Support after Murder and Manslaughter). They offer support to those bereaved by murder or manslaughter. You can visit their website at http://www.samm.org.uk . They have a helpline on 0121 472 2912 or you text them on 07342 888570.

Please do keep reaching out - you are not alone.
