Loosing my mum

Hello I lost my mum September last year I have found it difficult and had to go through Christmas without her ive never felt so lost and lone in my life everyday I think my mum and still think that she is here then wake up to reality and shes not here . I feel lost heartbroken :broken_heart: im always down alot I cant go in places where my mum has been because its to upsetting I don’t have much support so I end up having to deal with this on my own ive tried couciling and it doesn’t work no point in taking anti depressants because its just no good :disappointed: sometimes I just don’t know what to do


Hi, sorry that counselling didn’t work. It doesn’t always and sometimes it’s not the right person. It may be worth trying again, either different organisation or just different counsellor. There’s also groups that don’t do any counselling but just there to help each other, I don’t if that would be useful or if you may find that hard to deal with. Going through that first Christmas is awful but all anniversaries are difficult but you did get through it so be proud and know the next one will be easier. It’s a shame that we don’t pat our selves on our backs when we have succeed just get through these difficult times with or without crying buckets full. Keep posting and reading others post, it all helps. Take care S xx

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So sorry for your loss. I am in the same boat. It feels like we are drowning , doesn’t it?
You might read my posts on the site (I post here a lot because it helps). I’m broken and devastated. Each day each second is difficult.
Its been almost a month but the pain is still same as day 1 and I don’t expect it to get better. It is so difficult to keep going .
Please know that you are not alone. We all are in jt and will help each other.


Hello its the worse feeling when you lose our mums it feels like a big piece missing i get down alot and I thinking that this is all a nightmare and non of it is ture and think come tomorrow mum will be there then we wake up to reality and they are not there and get upset again im just not coping without my mum and sometimes I’ve had suicide thoughts just because I want to be with my mum but then I have my dad and my brother to think about as well . Just wish there was a way of seeing my mum
Just so that I know she is OK and wishing I could speak to her tell whats being going on … xx


Yes so heartbreaking. I feel the exact same. I did (sometimes still do) have suicidal thoughts but my sister (elder to me) said one thing which has stuck with me and I keep telling myself that and others too - “you are your mom’s DNA. She made you. You are made from her cells. Don’t do anything to disrespect that”. And in addition to that I can’t do that to my dad. He is very heartbroken right now and if I do something like that he will not survive.
I have started believing in after life. I have watched several near death experience videos, Matt Fraser videos on YouTube. And a lot of people here have said they went to the medium and were able to connect with their loved ones and it seems so true to me. So I am thinking of going to a psychic medium and connecting with my mom.
If there is afterlife then that means we her soul is there. Please watch Matt Fraser videos on youTube. It will comfort you.
I totally get you and right now I won’t say that time will heal anything because I don’t believe it and it’s not the case for me. I’m in deep pain. I am so angry that my mom was taken from me so soon. This isn’t fair .
Please keep talking . It helps. Im here. Please reach out if you would like to talk. It definitely helps. I have connected with so many people here and they have all helped me.

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Hi this my first time posting
I’ve read all of your messages and am feeling all your thoughts. I lost my mum 7 weeks ago and the pain, anger, guilt all seem to be getting worse. I need to be strong for my dad he’s list and my younger sister. I’ve woken today feeling very bitter and emotional, my husband just doesn’t understand. I have found some comfort that I’m not alone and others know what I’m feeling and going through. I hope we can all be of support to each other, I know I really need it. Liz x


Hi Emmsybobs,

I’m so sorry to hear about the loss of your mum. It sounds as though things are very tough and you are feeling really overwhelmed.

It sounds like you’re looking for support and I’m glad that you’ve been able to talk about how you’re feeling here. There are lots of other support options out there, and I would really encourage you to reach out and speak to someone about how you are feeling.

Sue Ryder offers an online bereavement counselling service. This is a free service and sessions are held via video chat so you can attend from home. There’s more information about this service here: www.sueryder.org/counselling.

You can also make an appointment with your GP and ask to be referred to counselling or other support services in your area.

You deserve care and support so please do get in touch with one of these services.

Take care,



Hi Michelle it just isn’t fair I just want my mum back :sob: i feel so lost and alone without her the only time I get to do my grieving is when I’m on my own I dont do it around anyone eles as I dont want people to think im doing it for attention :sob:


Coz I feel ur pain mate xxx
I just want my mums back

I’ve recently watched all of Matt Frasers video readings on his Facebook page and I’ve got to say he “seems” amazing! I am a sceptic but I’m desperate to believe too. I know he’s got a team who could easily do some social media stalking before the readings but I do hope he’s legit. I’m really tempted to buy a 19 dollar ticket for his online group reading and hope I’d get picked because there’s no way he’d find anything out about me from my Facebook it’s private and I don’t share anything personal on there anyway. This reading I found was my favourite one