Loosing my mum

Hi im new to this group but am reaching out as ive lost my mum this week suddenly and im really struggling ive never lost anyone close to me and thr pain is unbearable i feel i will feel like this forever :broken_heart:


@Adeleh so sorry for your loss. I lost my mum suddenly at the end of December so I am just over 3 months in, it’s the shock of it to. It’s your mum you only get one and I agree it’s a loss like no other. I am still coming to terms with it and I thought I was doing better crying just once a day but only recently till I went away with my son and had her birthday. I had 2 firsts without her in a week and feels like I have went backwards. It’s a day at a time and don’t put pressure on yourself. I miss my mum so much and it hurts like nothing I have experienced before. Sending hugs. Valda :sparkling_heart:


Hey there, I’m so sorry for your loss, I know exactly what you are going through as I to have lost my mum at the young age of 50 one min she was around then the next gone.

I’m a month in and it’s been rough! I won’t lie! I do find reaching out on this forum comforting as it helps me realise that I am not over reacting or losing the plot.

There’s no pain quite like losing your mum, I wouldn’t wish it on my worst emeny.

Please feel free to message me anytime, just having someone to talk to about the same thing can help. Sending you all the love in the world x


I lost my mam two weeks ago. Never had an illness or needed medication. She had a stroke out of nowhere and despite life saving brain surgery, she passed away. I feel so lost without her. We’ve been spending much more time together since my dad died 9 months ago and now I feel like I’m being suffocated and can’t breathe. Really struggling to process what’s happened so I feel your pain xx


Almost hard to explain just how suffocating it is isn’t it :frowning: feels like something you need to release but can’t like a sort of pressure?


Hello Adeleh

I’m so sorry for the loss of your mum…and so soon. It is the most heartbreaking thing to lose your mum. The only advice I can really offer is just to take each day as it comes. My mum died 10 years ago and I’m still grieving for what I’ve lost. Make sure you look after yourself and reach out to people who can support you. Be kind to yourself you’ve had one of the biggest life shocks anyone can experience. Much love Lesley x

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Sorry for your loss, Adeleh. I lost my mom in early March and despite us knowing it was coming, has been devastating for me. You have no idea what it’s like to lose a loved one until it actually happens and what makes it worse is I lived with my mom for over 70 years so that is an ocean of memories and reminders of her. However, it does seem to be easing a bit and the rawness of the loss isn’t quite so bad. In the end, Adeleh, you have to go on and your mom wouldn’t want your loss to affect your mental health too much, I’m sure. I guess all I’m really saying is that you have to somehow get through the worst of it, difficult as that is, and gradually get back to some normality. There are no easy answers and being in pain is part of the grieving process but one has to experience the pain in order to heal IMO.


Thanks to you all for your kind words Dad is struggling and it breaks me im trying my best to help him through and deal with my own grief at same time i woke this morning really panicking and then it hit me like a kick in the stomach i felt helpless my sadness spiraled i wanted to scream i was so close to mum spoke every day and she was my dads world too they had each other and a small family me and my sister didnt socialise mum was just happy with her family so dad is so alone now and i cant get my head round shes not here anymore
I will certainly keep reaching out to you all im sure it will help Like you guys say one day at a time xx💓


Hi, i am so sorry for your loss, i am currently going through the same thing i lost my just a month ago and it is starting to feel worse i hope that maybe we can all bring eachother to a better place and we can all get through this take care xxx


Bad day today only a week since mum passed away im trying to be strong for dad but its breaking me i push the feelings down and then cant do anymore and its an explosion of crying anxiety and panic like i can’t breath and cry at same time i know its going to take a long time to get to where i can cope without breaking down its pure torture now :broken_heart:


I agree it is torture unfortunately especially not knowing when we will ever feel ‘normal’ again or if we ever will.

You should still be able to grieve though, holding it in will not help! In fact have you spoke to your dad about how you’re feeling prehaps it would help you both talking through it and sharing yours thoughts?

I wish they were no such thing as losing loved ones, never known pain quite like it and losing my mum is like a part of me died with her that day :frowning:

My only wish is to see her again one day x


So sorry for your loss. My mum passed away 3 weeks ago, suddenly and completely unexpectedly, she lived with me & I heard her fall & had to try CPR to save her. The evening before she was sitting in our hot tub drinking a glass of wine. Like others the pain is like nothing I have felt before, I feel like I am stuck & numb, whilst everyone is moving on around me, laughing, joking, buying their groceries, drinking coffee, I want to scream.

We had both survived breast cancer recently & this feels like the cruellest twist.


Sorry Daisy that must have been hard having to perform cpr.

My mum was found passed out and the ambulance crew tried cpr but I think she had already gone.

It was about 2 weeks before she passed that me and her was laughing and joking it just doesn’t feel real that I’ll never have that again. But I’ll cherish that memory because we have had bad times, I’m just glad the last time I so her it was a good day.

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These are the things that you need to hold on to x

I feel your pain, and I’m so sorry for your loss. my mum passed 9 weeks ago and I was her rock as we lost my dad a few years ago, mum had several health issues over the years so I was always running around helping her too. But her death was very sudden I took her to an and e on the Monday and by Saturday she had passed. I’ve been and sat in her house today and just sobbed having no mum and dad makes me feel so lonley even though I have my own beautiful family !!

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@Budgal sorry for your loss. I lost mine coming up nearly 4 months and it’s still painful. I just had my mum she was a single parent and I just have my son, I have my aunts, uncles and cousins around who are great but it’s not the same as having my mum we are lost without her. My son helps me keep going and your family will to. Take care.

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Ita awful grief is a lonely journey i never expected so feel so alone loosing mum so quickly was so shocking my dad is so lost breaks me seeing him like this just have to keep going day by day hoping the pain will ease one day people tell me it will but feel like it will be forever at this moment