Loosing my partner

Loosing my other half has been the most hardest time it still feels as raw as it did 16 months ago when I lost him. We share children and he was only young I think that’s what’s made it so hard. You know when you just know that’s it for the rest of your life when u meet that special someone and to have it all ripped away, wrong place wrong time and his life’s gone at the short age of 26. It’s unfair and so unfair on our kids that aren’t gonna get the chance to live there lives with him in front of them. Not really sure why I decided to sign up to here just thought maybe someone would understand x

I’m so sorry for your loss. He was so very young. Grief is so hard to live with but you have your dear children to help you along this hard journey. Everyone here on this site are so lovely and understanding. You are not alone.
My thoughts are with you
Sending you a big hug
Julie xx

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Hi I’m sorry to hear your story. Mine is also similar I lost my husband 4 weeks ago just age 31 suddenly in an accident wrong place wrong time. This wasn’t supposed to be how our life turned out. We had some much planned to do with our two boys. Life is so cruel. Being with family and friends nobody understands what this is like that’s why I joined this group.

To lose a partner at such a young age is unbelievably cruel and my heart goes out to you. People say that eventually we learn to live with the loss but it’s hard going whether you’ve been together for a few years or a lifetime. Only those who’ve experienced it, as on this site, can truly understand how tough it is to keep on, every day, building a new life, because that’s what we have to do. It’s been a year for me and whilst I can see that in time it will be easier it’s like looking at something quite far away and i’m not there yet, but I am getting a little closer.

We’re all different in how we deal with our grief. I’ve found this site helpful and also letting a couple of close friends know that I want them to keep on asking me how I am, that I need to talk about my husband from time to time. I want them to let me be honest and not cover up my feelings out of consideration for them, which is what we tend to feel, being British, that we should do.

Wishing everyone here a good day and sending hugs. xx