Loosing my son

I lost my darling Stephen in June :cry: he was only 24 :cry: we won’t know til Oct what he died from … I was so scared earlier… I wanted to be with him :cry: I rung the police said I was scared of what I might do … his reply was we can’t help u need to ring Samaritans … how did he know I wasn’t going to do anything bad … that’s where mental health is lacked … I’ve calmed down now … just want talk to someone who is going through same thing

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I’m so sorry to hear of your news. I don’t have any Children, but I lost my mum 4 months ago on what will be 30th September. Its still so raw, I cannot accept it. She was taken ill and died 12 hours later. Please message me if you want a chat. Sometimes it helps. Sending my love xxx

Hi Nicola 1964.I feel I understand exactly how you feel.I am a widow of 11 years and my lovely son my only child was such a support when his dad died as he was grieving too.In March this year my son passed too.My heart is broken to think I have got to live the rest of my life without him is unbearable and sometimes feel I can’t carry on and don’t want to wake up.I wouldn’t think I would do anything silly because my husband and son would want me to carry on.Not easy they were my life.I will carry on but am empty and so very very sad.Please if you do need to talk to somebody please ring for bereavement counselling or speak to your Doctor for help and advice.I do go out as much as possible either on my own or with friends I don’t want to bring them down so try just to go along with whatever we may be doing.Its a relief to get home though and let it all go but at least a bit of fresh air and just getting out of bed helps me carry on.I wish you well nothing I can say will ease your pain.Sending all my love Marg 1

Hi nicola. I lost my son in march (on my birthday) aged 20. He had a neurological condition diagnosed at 16 and sadly progressed . He were born fine. I’ve had no answers as to why he developed dystonia. So I’ve had the trauma of seeing my son live a normal life till his teens then slowly slip away becoming 24 hour care no speech mobility or quality of life… no answers… I’ve currently an investigation into the hospital . I’m absolutely devastated beyond words. I’m also on compassionate friends who are great. I feel your pain. I’ve lost my best friend xx

I am so sorry for your loss. I lost my son in 2014. He was missing for 10 weeks and was eventually found in the River about 15 miles away. I don’t know what happened why was he in the River he wasn’t a strong swimmer. I guess I’ll never know what happened. And then
last December his brother passed away with cancer. I feel overwhelmed with grief and devastation.

Joan so sorry for your loss to loose 2 sons is unbearable.I only had 1 child he and my late husband were my life.I truly understand your overwhelming grief and devastation.Its so painful.
I send you my love and hugs Marg 1 xx

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