Loosing my wife to cancer

Pauline was only 55 and a true inspiration fighting this disease not giving always pushing herself running, gym bunny even after chemotherapy sessions all with a smile on her face.
It’s now been just over 2 months since she has lost the fight I’m so lost without her we met when we were 17 so after 40 years together she was my true soul mate and missing her so much it hurts x


Dear Mccormack1966, I am so sorry about your loss. I lost my beloved husband this February so suddenly that I thought he died having a heart attack at home but it was undiagnosed advanced kidney cancer. I know that dreaded feeling of being completely lost, in constant pain, and crying most of the time. We were almost 26 years together and married for 15 years and two months. I am 62 and he was 65 years old. Our planned future is now shattered. Do you have family or friends who can support you? You are not alone in this forum because we lost all our loved ones. Sending you lots of love and hugs.


I was just reading your posts crying my heart out. I lost my wife last week to secondary breast cancer. She was 45 and her strength was incredible. I feel so empty it’s killing me😭
I have a 16 year old and an 11 year old and I have to do Hayley proud by looking after them. It’s what is keeping me going🥲


Im so so sorry about hayley and with the children to you just take it really slow theres no rush for anything she will be so proud off you…your at the very early stage so just make sure you look yourself to…my husband passed away 7 monthsvago from cancer he died 8 weeks after the diagnosis its a long long journey and you cry as much as u want and try talking to people and take whatever help is offered…helen


Hi Helen
Sorry about your husband🥲
I just can’t get my head around it. My head is all over the place and it’s hard being there for the kids when I can’t sort myself out🥲
Does it get any easier as time goes on?

Paul it just changes it doent get better the longer the grief goes on i dont cry all the time now just sometimes but the emptyness is awful the nothing its so strange i never in my life thought it would be this hard.i have guardian ship off my three grandsons 16…13…and 10 weve had them 10 years so like you ive had to try to continue life with a little normality because off the and i think paul that will help you u cant give up because they need you more than ever now…just take it slow things do improve…a little…take care helen

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I am 7 days in tomorrow and it’s horrible. Like you said the worst thing Is how empty you feel. It started to hit my kids quite bad today and that’s hard to watch just knowing they haven’t got a mum to go to anymore.

I hope everything works out in the future for you and your family


Paul i dont even know what to say…im 7 months in and yesterday 29th feb i think has been the worst day since kev went…mad i was 19 and proposed to him leap year andbfor some crazy reason i have cryed all day…just at midnight 1st march thought thank god that day has ended…then his birthday 6th march …39th wedding anniversary 9th…any way its early days for the children but there tough cookies kids they will be ok im sure your doing an amazing job just take it easy such early day xx

What part off the world are you from ? Im in clithero in the ribble valley. Very wet part off the world …make sure you take any offers off help as grief is so tiring :tired_face: then when i get to bed…i cant sleep now 2.30am another night awake…got window open listening to the owl :sleeping: hopefully school should help with the childrens grieving…are they off school ? Also make sure you try get plenty off time off work…if you can and take it easy theres no rush to sort things out it can all hopefully wait…paul you can get bereavement payment from the government its 3k lump sum then 350 a month for 18 months just in casevyoubdidnt knowxx take good care

Are u ok
I havnt heard from you but such earlier days

Hi Helen

Sorry for the late reply but been a bit mad at the moment with trying to sort out funeral etc.
I know I’m only 2 weeks I. But I know what you mean, last 2 days have been horrible just cried and cried. One minute I think I’m getting my head around it all and the next don’t know how I am going to do it with out her by my side.
I am from Newport south Wales. Just as wet🤣
I tried claiming money and have been turned down as apparently I earn to mutch money, typical😡

Take care… very sad for you. Many of us are here for you…


Hi paul ive had a bad few day it was kevs birthday the 6th and today our 39th wedding anniversary cant get my head around it and its 7 months so such early days for you.if you go on gov .com and look for bereavement allowence itsbnot a lot lump sum off 3k then 350 for 18 months its not means tested…always went to wales as a kid Tenby way take care

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Had a look on the .gov site and I can’t get a thing unfortunately🤦‍♂️
Kev will be looking down on you thinking what a great job you are doing so don’t give up. Just concentrate on the kids as that’s what I am going to do.

Hayley went into hospital on Valentine’s Day and passed away 9 days later after everyone in the hospital telling me she was going to ok. It was then my birthday on the 3rd March and now Mother’s Day.
It definitely isn’t getting any easier….

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It wont get easier paul but eventually different hope the kids managed to day on mothering sunday…im sure your doing an amazing job this them just take it eady on your self …take good care


Sending my thoughts and preys atvthis really hard time try to keep strong

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