Loosing my wife

A Brain tumor took my wife, on the 15th June this year, it was sudden without warning. Myself and my two sons never got to say good bye, we miss her so much as she was the strong one, who kept us all in check.
The house is full of memories and the weekends are so empty,
I’m trying to stay strong for our lads, but it’s hard.
I have good days, but also days where I feel guilty for been here.


Hi . So sorry for your loss. All these emotions that we have since our partner died are so hard to deal with. I know my husband was stronger than me . And I think and wish it had been me who had died not him . He would of coped better than I am . All we can do is take one day at a time or even one hour at a time . I find the weekends are so long and lonely without him . Almost a year since he died and it isn’t any easier for me . Infact I think it is getting worse . The further away he gets from me .hope you and your kids find a way through all this heartache and pain .xtake carex

Hi there, I lost my wife unexpectedly to glioblastoma on June 14th this year, the day before you lost yours. Like you, I did not get the opportunity to properly say goodbye, this was after 20+ years of very happy marriage. I’m so sorry for your loss and what you are going through, its horrendous.

I am not sure what to say that will make you feel better. I have found bereavement counselling very helpful, I see someone every week. I am trying to stay focused on my two sons. They are both at university now, which means that I now spend everyday on my own. I have found this to be very traumatic, as this was supposed to be our time together.

I just wanted you to know that there are other people out there who are going through similar things and share your pain. You are not alone in this, although I know it sometimes feels like you are. I have made contact with other people locally who have had similar experiences; I have found meeting them to be helpful. Maybe this would be something that would help you too?

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