Hi I need help with trying to cope with my husband’s death
@Olliepoll43 keep posting on this site, we are all on this awful journey but you will get lots of support on here.
I’m sorry to hear about your husband. I lost mine in August too.
I keep expecting that I should be coping better now but if anything it’s got worse. I have lists and lists of things I should be doing but I find excuses to put everything off. I think I’ve just accepted that I need to give myself time and try and recognise all the little things I have managed so far.
Sorry not to be more helpful, but I guess most of us feel the same at some point.
Tell us a little more of your story and I expect others here will be able to relate.
Hi, I too am finding it so very hard to cope. Each day I cry , my head is all over the place, just want to be with him, feel like everything is so pointless, write if you feel like a talk.