Lose of dog

I live alone. My two dogs were my entire life. Both died in my arms 8 months apart. Seen me through some seriously dark days. I have had professional help but i struggle every single days. Grief is grief and it matters not how it shows itself. Grief is love looking for somewhere to go. There is no where.


Dear @Boostinks

I am sorry to hear of the loss of your dogs. They become your loyal companions and best friend and their loss leaves a big hole in your life.

Have you had a look at Blue Cross Pet Bereavement

They have a webchat helpline on 0800 096 6606 between 8.30am - 8.30pm every day.

You can email them at pbssmail@bluecross.org.uk for support and someone to talk to.

There is also support on their Blue Cross Pet Loss Support Community on Facebook.

I hope the above will be of help to you.

Take care.


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I know how you feel my Eddie is all most 10 years old and not in good health i also now live on my own just lost my mum. Dogs keep you going i have been blessed with many great dogs i don’t know how i am going to manage without him when the day comes i have always been better with dogs then people. Believe me the pain never goes away but the pain is worth all the joy and love they give you and if i can keep one dog safe and loved that best thing in the world. Try to find a place in your heart for a dog if you can have one give them what you gave your other dogs you never replaced them that impossible i kjow they would want you too.


Hello. I’m so sorry. Losing your dog is a terrible trauma. I think it’s because you can’t make them understand what is happening like you can with a human. You obviously have them an incredible life, full of love, treats and walkies. I’m sending you my thoughts.