Lose of my husband

My husband died 3rd September 2020 I just think it’s getting harder I’m feeling very run down can’t shift a cold that I would normally get rid in 3 days it’s a horrible feeling x

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Hi Mandy, when we loss our loved ones we don’t expect the pain to continue and for some it last longer then others and never goes away but you sound throughly rundown. Perhaps a visit to your GP may help and ask for some counselling. I know we don’t want to sound as though we are not dealing with life’s challenges but just sometimes it’s the only way forward. When we are grieving our bodies react as well as our emotional side and minor things don’t get better like they use to. Please look after yourself, you are very vulnerable both physically and mentally. Take care Sxxx

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I’m having counciling and I find it useful I think to be honest it’s hit me all of a sudden I have kept busy but now I’m starting to think about it to much it’s not easy x

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