Lose of my son

Lost my beautiful son 4 weeks ago we just had his funeral last Thursday i have 3 other children, and my husband, i am struggling every day my husband is he can’t sleep and hes feeling so angry, i just don’t no what to do for best for him,i feel like i have had my heart ripped out.does it ever get easier.


@Joe2 I just wanted to reach out and send you some love. Grief is a rollercoster of emotions and you are still in the very early days. Please be gentle on you and alow yourself time to process everything , hugs

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I lost my son 2 1/2 years ago and I still feel like I had my heart ripped out, all I can say is it’s not all day every day anymore, little by little you let life back into your world and other thoughts take over for a while during the day. It never goes away but those other thoughts get longer and more frequent and life does eventually go on. Remember good times everyone said ! I did eventually but it takes time and tears.
Hope this helps a little. Sending hugs

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Hi @Joe2 . I just wanted to say how sorry I am for the loss of your son. I lost my youngest son on Christmas Eve. I found the first few weeks after the funeral the hardest as all the organising for the funeral and calls to let people know kept me busy. I have an older son who keeps me going and is my reason for getting through each day. We talk about his brother and share memories - good and bad!
I am working which is a distraction and I have days when I can get through them without crying. I found talking on here those first few months helped as there are others going through the same and I didn’t feel like I was the only one.
My youngest son is always in my thoughts and always will be.One day at a time is my mantra :heart: Sending hugs to you all xx

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I lost my son six weeks ago. It’s hard. I cry everyday but find it attached release. I find its okay to be sad and normal. I miss his presence though and have found keeping a memory box helps. Spraying his scarf with his after shave. He always smelt so nice. Be kind to yourself.


Sorry you’re going through this too and sending you hugs :heart:. It’s surreal at times but we do what we can to get through each day. A.memory box is a lovely idea.My son’s jacket is hanging up on the door where he left it and I spray his aftershave on it :heart: xx

I lost my son 2 months ago, I have his wallet and I keep my banking cards in there now. Everytime I pay for something I can stroke his wallet and remember him. It feels like a small connection with him.


I thinnn in that is important. To feeel close to your son and still ha ave that comfort and connection
I have a locket now and am going to put a lock of his baby hair on one side with his photo on the other
I take him to places and imagine him with me
God bless you on this journey no one wants to take


Hi, im am so sorry for your loss.
I can relate to you. i lost my beautiful grandson 5 weeks ago, and it’s the most horrific thing, imaginable.
He also had three siblings.
There is nothing i can say that will help you. I just wanted to reach out and let you know your not alone. The death of a child is devastating .
Sending love :heart: