Losing 2 close family members 4 weeks apart

Hello my names pam, i was a full time carer for my mum. I lived at home with my mum and my brother. On the 25th of november i found my brother dead in his bedroom, over the next weeks i was in overdrive trying to arrange and sort things whilst still caring for my mum who we didnt tell about his passing because of how poorly she had been. His funeral was due to be on the 23rd of december, that morning i woke around 7.45 to find beautiful mum had passed away :cry: my brothers funeral was able to be delayed due to exceptional circumstance, the funeral is now a joint funeral for them both on wednesday next week. Ive felt very numb gone into overdrive again with the sorting, packing and clearing things here because i cant stay in this house anymore but as the funeral is getting closer i feel like im closer to breaking I dont know how im going to get through it im scared, scared of that day scared how im going to cope after

I’m so sorry @Pam86 - losing your mum and brother so close together it’s completely understandable you feel like you’re breaking.

You’re not alone. You might want to reach out to @Betty71 who also lost her mum and brother within a short space of time. There is a recent thread here about multiple losses you might want to read.

Please do keep reaching out - the community is here for you.

Take care

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Thank you for your reply i feel like im living in a nightmare :pensive: thank you for all your information I’ll take a look been reading alot on here since i joined xx