Losing a adult child

Hi how does everyone cope with every day life after losing a child…how should I be feeling…is it normal to feel the way i do.

Anything is normal … the thing is whatever helps you is normal … we are all different. Grief is shocking and unpredictable. I feel totally out of co troll with it often … it’s unbearable but somehow we have to bear it.
Both my sons fied … Pete aged 33 six abd a half years ago abd Jamie 36 eighteen months ago. I was with Jamie in hospital with my hand on his chest as he breathed in but never breathed out. I can remember thinking I saw him into this world and now have had to see him out of its… just shocking. I have PTSD/complicated grief and am waiting for some specialised therapy. I’m so sorry you have had to go through this … it’s just not the natural order of things is it. There is no easy way to do this I don’t think … just day by day hour by hour. Sending you hugs from one mum to another. Take care of you the best way you can hun. Sue xx