Losing a child to murder

My daughter was murdered last month. Her funeral is next week. Is there anyone else is this terribly sad situation.


So sorry to hear this, it snot the same as my circumstances, but we are all here to support each other as we journey through this unplanned life x


@Jaycee12 im so so sorry for your loss in terrible circumstances, my heart goes out to you.
We are all here for you x

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I am so sorry for the loss of your daughter, I thought it was bad enough losing my son to drugs overdose. Iā€™m sure you will get wonderful support on this forum to help you. I certainly have. Xx

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I am sorry to hear about your tragic loss I noticed you have not posted for a while How are you Are you coping with this awful situation Although I have not experienced a loss in a similar way this has happened in my close family Also another nephew died in a tragic work accident And recently my husband died abroad without me
Have they identified the perpetrator of the crime Are you getting support Thinking of you

I too lost my child to murder in July. He was only 15 years old and my only child. I hope you are doing ok this is no pain any mother should have to go through. It has been an emotional roller coaster for me.