Losing a husband

I am new on here. I lost my husband of thirty years 2 months ago. I am really struggling and it’s been extremely comforting to read these posts. I feel very alone as all my friends are married and don’t know anyone else who’s lost their husband. The weekends are the hardest and I find myself feeling so sad and hopeless.
My husband was a fit and healthy 62 year old, he loved travelling and we enjoyed some amazing adventures together. He died of a sudden cardiac arrest whilst out cycling with his friends. I feel like I’m still in shock, he literally went out one day and never came home. Sending love to everyone who’s going through this terrible loss and pain.


Hi so sorry for your loss. I also lost my husband to cardiac arrest 10 months. He was 44 and he was my everything. Talking on here does help.x


So very sorry to hear of your loss. Your husband was so young. It’s terribly hard to lose someone so suddenly. Hope you’re coping ok

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I can emphasise with you lost my wife of 54 years in February this year very sudden still can’t think it’s real wake up and expect her to be there people say you are coping well they don’t know it’s just a front they should see me in the evenings when I’m alone I just keep trying to think of all the good times ,they sat time will ease the pain but reading some of the stories on here seems it will a long time


I keep talking to my husband then I feel better
So sorry for your loss


I lost my husband suddenly to cardiac arrest at home age 65, I am 56. He had a previous heart attack 20+ years ago but didn’t need any surgery and was placed on medication and given yearly checks.When he had his fatal heart attack, he didn’t even know it was happening, it was nothing like the first time, all I can say was he passed out first he knew nothing about the heart attack that followed or spending two days in icu, we were together nearly 24 years, but only had 17 months of marriage after we secretly eloped to Gretna Green, I feel totally robbed still x


I’d be lying if I said I was, I’m totally lost without him. We were best friends, each others rock and soul mates. Even though it’s been 10 months I still can’t get my head around him being gone. It just doesn’t feel real. How are you doing?x


It’s so hard, Sundays are the worst. I can’t imagine a future without him. Have you had any counselling/group therapy? I feel like I need that.

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So sorry for your loss, I am also new here! I am hoping talking to other people who “get it” helps! I am 42 & lost my husband suddenly & unexpectedly & like you I am the first of all my friends to loose a partner & nobody understands how your world has fallen apart & you just don’t know how you will ever feel anything again that isn’t just saddness! X