Losing a loved one

How do we move forward after a loved ones death as im struggling to see the light at the end of the tunnel will it always be like this

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I can’t promise you it will be soon, but it does get easier. This time last year, I couldn’t see any light at the tunnel, but now I am much better. Not over it by any means, but much, much better than was and I genuinely thought there was no way I’d ever get over it xx


i wish i knew Kathleen i starting 4th year after losing my soulmate aged 55 after 34 years together
all i doing is treading water on auto pilot tbh ive given up all hope of ever recovering

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Sorry for your loss :heart: I know it is dreadfully hard but please don’t give up. Keep reaching out on here for support xx

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i coming up to 4 years in dec without my soulmate i wish i knew the answer but pain and grief never stops :pensive: