Thank you very much for replying. Its very much appreciated and helps me a lot.
OMG…i can’t believe I’ve done this but booked a 4 night break to Portugal, where we always used to go. I just feel i have to go back just one last time!.. but I’ve got anxiety already and not going to Sept! My first solo trip… have i done the right thing i can do this
I don’t think it’s the being there, it’s the travelling alone bit… which is mad as i used to be an air hostess! what’s up with me!
You’ll be absolutely fine, @Sable , it will all come back to you as soon as the travelling begins. How exciting!
You will be fine, make new memories and vist places you havent seen. Join our solo holiday chat if you need any help or encouragement they will help you. X
Thanks for the encouragement @Punto …where can i find the solo holiday chat ?? Is it on the Sue Ryder site??
Yes if you look at all the chats you will find one under losing a partner called solo holidays.
@Sable well done you. A huge step on your new journey. I’m sure you will be fine and have a good time
I hope you have a great time, im glad my post has helped you.
@Punto @Stuandali @AKM
Just wondering how you’re all doing?? It’s now only 2weeks until my first solo trip … I’m
it a bit i must admit… but can do it!
Do you still talk to your other halves? Jimmy’s the first person i say hello to in the morning and the last person at night. I tell him where I’m going and i still write in my journal to him. Sometimes i think I’m losing the plot … do you all do the same??? I’m sitting in the garden atm and the wind made the door creak, so immediately look up expecting him to walk through:man_shrugging: am i normal
It’s tough though isn’t it. My little moggy died too afew weeks back so even more lonely, but after I’m back from Portugal I’m going to get another 2 rescue cats to bring a bit of life back into the house.
It’d be lovely to hear how everyone is xxxxx
I have had a bit of a set back as got diagnosed with breast cancer a few weeks ago, already had the lumpectomy and 3 lymph nodes removed so just recovering, I’m hoping when the results come through in a few weeks its good news so I can book a christmas market break. You will enjoy your 1st holiday and I am sure you will want to book more. So sorry to hear about your cat but 2 new kittens will keep you busy. X
Omg @Punto … that must have been a total shock for you! Hopefully it’s been caught early and you’ll make a full recovery. I hope you have loads of support while you’re recovering through this but always here if you need to chat.
Make sure you look after yourself xxx
So sorry to hear about your diagnosis. Wishing you a speedy recovery.
Very Best wishes x
It was caught at an early stsge, but made me realise how lucky our partners were to have us look after them as I now have to do this alone, even with family and friend’s its not the same care I would have had from Rob. I’m doing ok. I just need the results to come back that they took it all and no more treatment. Guess the waiting is the longest and loneliest time I’ve had to endure for a while.
Well… you’re not alone, we’re all here for you just remember that xxxx
@Sable @Punto @AKM
Yes I talk to Alison every day. I wake up and kiss and hug a cushion with her photo and a wee poem on it. I tell her where I’m going, what I’m doing who I’m meeting etc. same last thing at night. I also light a candle every day when I get in from work and talk to her again. I walk to her memorial bench and sit and talk to her often too. All part of the healing process for me I think.
So sorry to read this @Punto I wish you a speedy and full recovery. My wee sister has just gone through the same recently. Stay strong and know that we are all here for each other x
I wish you a speedy recovery❤️
@AKM @Stuandali … hi there, i was wondering how you’re doing now. I know @AKM that it’s coming up to the anniversary as i think your partner went a week after mine which was on the 29th Oct. I’m ok today, though have had an awful few days, really emotional and just reliving everything again. It’s been a big struggle.
I had to say goodbye to my old cat too who had been my saviour and last week got 2 rescue cats as i felt i needed a distraction! BIG mistake … I’m glad they’re not where they were, but I’m not bonding yet and i forgot what it’s like to have 2 youngsters. Mum and 6mth kitten . I’m sure I’ll bond with them, i just miss jimmy so much still, and it’s still very hard. Are you the same.??? Xx