Losing a parent

Hi, I lost my mum in August,and thought I was coping ok,but lately I seem to be so so tearful, irritable,and generally unhappy. I find myself sitting in the car in carparks crying and thinking for hours instead of going home. I know I can’t go on like this,but at the moment I see no way out of it. Does anyone else do this ???


Hi Sarah
So sorry to hear about your mum I too lost my mum in July last year and have struggled especially in the very first weeks and months and even though it’s just over 6 months ( it does sometimes seem alot longer) I am still feeling tearful and really sad, I can’t seem to move forward I think about her every day the guilt feeling is still there wishing she was still here and not having her here to be with her family, I’ve had counselling with cruse, got one more session , it’s helped to talk about mum but I know it’s not changed the way I’m feeling as yet, it’s nice to chat on here as we all can relate to the pain and heartache :cry: I have two daughters that have been amazing but nothing will fill that void i have, always here for a chat if you need to, take care
Lynn xx

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Hi Lynn,

Sorry to hear about your mum also. I am the opposite. I seemed to cope initially , probably due to being on auto pilot. Mum was misdiagnosed for nearly a year and by the time they figured out what was wrong she only had a week to live. Then my brother didn’t even bother to contact mum before she died or me after,which left me to handle everything on my own. It’s only been the last month or 2 that I’ve been struggling . I spent so much time supporting mum for the last 5 years after she was widowed and through her illness,I have a hole now I’m not sure how to fill. How old was your mum? Mine was 74 ,but a very fit and mobile 74 ,up until the last year . I have contacted Cruse, but they have a waiting list 🤦. I may just ring the helpline for an impromptu chat. Likewise with you Lynn, always here for a chat .

Sarah xx

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Hi Sarah
My mum had just turned 85 she spent her birthday in hospital, she had always been relatively fine in her health other than arthritis in her knees but back In the may 2021 she hadn’t been 100% so we got the doctor out and then they did some blood tests, and on the results of them had to go into hospital as she had high levels of something showing, she had antibiotics for 5 days and then had a CT scan,MRI scan and a ultrasound, she hated being in hospital it was so frustrating, they eventually diagnosed mum with secondary liver cancer, it was such a shock, I was told firstly 6- 12 months then another consultant didn’t know how long, I wanted her home I gave up my job to look after her so she could be with dad and the rest of the family, she lasted 6 weeks and I’ve never felt pain like it, I was with her to the end but miss her so much :cry: I can’t get rid of the guilt feeling, it’s such an emotional rollercoaster I know she wouldn’t want me to be sad or anything like I’m feeling but I’ve been told for everyone the grieving is so different, apparently, grief is a love that has no where to go, I can’t accept she has gone yet and I know I’ll never be the same person again, but we all just have to do the best we can, keep on with cruse they will contact you I waited about 7 weeks and it is nice to chat to someone outside the family, will keep in touch, take care :heart:
Lynn xx

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