Losing a Parent

My parents died along time ago over twenty years, last year in March 2021 my lovely husband died.
I read many of your posts and my heart :purple_heart: goes out to you all.
The mum in me wants to give you all a big hug🤗 especially the young ones, to make the pain go away.
I know with how our own children are struggling with losing their dad, its hard. They miss his wise words, the way he could sort their problems out, their DIY issues, he was a wizard with a drill and flat pack furniture. The taxi service.
I know they even miss his nagging and constant worrying over them.
There is nothing like a parents love for their children.
My love goes out to you all, keep talking and reaching out to each other.
Love Debbie. X X :heart:


:heart::heart::heart: thank you Debbie xx


@Debbie57 the fact you can take the time to post in support of us when you are suffering your own loss shows what a wonderful kind and thoughtful lady you are. So sorry for your loss.
