Losing a parent

I recently lost my dad and due to this my bills and finances have taken a bad turn. I’m trying to get back on track but struggling with food me and my husband are going to bed hungry and it’s hard. My dad used to help us when he could

Hello @Lauraleanne,

I’m really sorry to hear about your dad. Financial issues can make grief that much harder.

Are you claiming everything that you’re entitled to? The EntitledTo website has a benefits calculator where you can check. It will also show you what grants may be available to you and your husband.

The Trussell Trust can help you find your nearest foodbank. They also have free helplines which you can call for advice and support. You can call them on 0808 208 2138.

I hope these links are of help - please do keep reaching out to the community, you are not alone.

Take care

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