Losing a parent

My mum passed away on thursday of bowel obstruction. I have gone downhill in 2 days. I miss her so much. Im not eating. And just feel lost. I have so many unanswered questions. She was talking with my son on phone at midnight. 5am she was fighting for her life. 7am she was gone


Oh, I’m so sorry, it’s the very first days for you and I’m sending you big hugs. :heart: It’s been three weeks since I lost my dad and I’m still not eating properly and still feel lost, so I understand. Try to get something into you at least, even if I know it’s hard. Tiny bits or soup. It sounds like you have people around you and it’s good that you’re not alone. I hope you will be able to get some answers to your questions as soon as possible.

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Im so sorry for you as well. You must be like me then. Sad 1 minute angry the next. Sad they’ve left you and angry they’ve left you. Im dreading Christmas. :disappointed:

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Thank you. Yes, sad, then angry, then panicky, then feeling guilty. Everything all at once. Christmas feels like impending doom and it’s impossible to avoid it too, there are adverts everywhere.

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I dont want it to come. It wont be christmas for us both will it x

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No, it won’t. I just want pull a blanket over me and wake up when it’s over, but my sibling wants to celebrate as usual so I don’t think I can escape it entirely.

i feel your pain. i wish none of us has to endure this. i don’t even remember the first days after my mum passed. my heart goes out to you and your family.

I fell every one pain it’s nearly 2 years on the 16 dec and I hate Christmas now . You try and act as normal as possible but inside your broke

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