Losing a partner

I lost the love of my life on 18/12/22 It was very sudden and unexpected.
He fell down the stairs at home and banged his head so badly he had a cardiac arrest, he was 60 years old.
12 hours on a ventilator and then he died.
We have a 22 year old son.
Every day is such a challenge to even see a way forward, crying and the panic attacks are the worst.
I think you really find out who your true friends are in these difficult times, a lot have just stayed away. X


I am so sorry for the loss of your love under such tragic circumstances. I imagine it still feels unreal and you are still in shock? My husband died very suddenly after contracting sepsis from a chest infection in January, he was working the day before, took ill in the night and died the following day. I still can’t believe he’s gone. I now suffer with panic attacks and know how debilitating they can be. Every day is a challenge, but I try and do one thing, even if its going for a walk or have coffee with a friend. I don’t always achieve it, but then I say there’s always tomorrow, I just wanted to let you know you are not alone, we are all struggling on here but talking and sharing with others can help, it has with me. Lots of love xxx


So sorry for your loss in such tragic circumstances. 60 is too young. You are just trying to process it all. Life is going on and we will feel detached and feel like your in another universe. It’s an awful place to be. I can stay after two years you do start engaging a little. The best way I can describe it is that I have been in hibernation for two years. Everything going at a faster pace than I. I cry every day at some point and go through a whole range of emotions in one day. Life will never be the same. How can it when we have lost half of our heart. Please keep posting. This site has saved my sanity x


Thank you, Yes every day is a challenge and I cry so much x It’s good to find this community x

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Thank you and I’m so sorry for your loss :heart:
I don’t think anyone else understands what I’m going through.
Morning are the worst x

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I think unless you have experienced it yourself, no one can really understand. I find evenings the worst for me, and going to bed. I have started listening to relaxing music and others find the radio comforting. I have a little dog who is 9 now, so in the mornings I have to get up to let him out, so he is my reason for getting up, otherwise I know I would hide under the duvet. Just take small steps, we are all on this painful journey together xxx


I have a dog too and that helps me so much just keeping in a routine.
It’s just so hard every day x

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it is so hard, the hardest thing we’ll ever do I think. Nothing prepares you. We will never get over it, and It will never be okay that our loved one has died, There is no end point to grieving, just the hope that some day we can find the right balance to live without them.


Im so sorry for you…it us so early i think our minds must heal and it will take time.i know what you meancabout friends i now feel im on this journey alone.i have lots of friends but nobody really understands how im feeling. I see them for dinner and a chat but to me my life has changed im not the person i used to be…only November i lost my partner and he was my best friend. Hugs to you


I’m so sorry, what a terrible shock you have had and a dreadful loss. ,my husband was also 60 when he died suddenly after playing his regular football. The disbelief took me quite a while to get over. How could someone so fit and well be dead?

Life does change for ever I believe but I am determined grief won’t claim my whole life now. I have too many things I need to do with my time on earth to help my daughters; particularly my 24 year old who is a long way from independent.
The early days and weeks I think the main thing is to start to realise that this is real and nothing can change it. No amount of ‘what if’s ‘if only’s can make an iota of difference to what DID happen but they hold you in one place of not accepting the truth.

For me, ten months on, life is happening again. It’s not the life I want of course but I am back doing some of the activities I did on my own before Richard died and enjoying some of them. It is a distraction, which gives a break from the grief. I think finding a balance between the distraction and the time to grieve is my current challenge, which I’m not sure whether I have got right yet but I’m trying different things.

Sending you hugs
Karen xxx


Hi, I’m so sorry about your loss, I lost my husband 2 years ago on the 26th of this month and there’s not one day that I don’t think about him, or miss him, I talk to him everyday, but he sends me signs to let me know that he’s here, I don’t know if this will help you, but I’ve been in that dark hole, the one that you want to escape from, but you can’t, friends don’t talk anymore because you’re grieving for your loss and it’s hard, really hard to get up everyday and face it, but it’s possible with help and love from people that care about you, it will never be the same again, but I do hope that you will find comfort and support for you xx