Losing a partner

Im anxious all the timr

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Sorry to hear your anxious all the time. Is there anything particular that you are anxious about? Knowing a little bit more about your situation may help us to support you better :two_hearts:

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Hi Duke, that’s how I feel a lot of the time, I feel shaky and worried, slightly sick and like there is a lump in my throat. Having a good cry helps me temporarily. When did you loose your loved one ?.

Hi, I wake up with anxiety, wans as the day goes on. . I think for me reality hits that I am alone. I miss sharing my life with someone special and it scares me. I hope my reply helps and that anxiety can be a part of grieving

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I see you lost your loved one in January, that is still very early days for grieving. If the anxiety is getting worse your GP will be able to help you.

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Thank you very much.

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I feel the same when you are by yourself that is when it hits you im still getting used to it :disappointed_relieved:

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I lost my beloved in January it still hurts so bad :sob:


I lost my beloved on January 26 miss him so much😪


I lost my darling soul-mate of 4 yrs in January and have never known such pain and loss .
Thinking of all our friends on here xxx


I miss my beloved all the time life is not the same without him😪