Losing a partner

Is any one suffering from physical symptoms, stomach ache, feeling anxious and shaky


It’s 12 months for me and I have anxiety that I never had before,it’s awful I’m anxious about the slightest thing


Yes anxiety is awful isn’t it. I’ve always been really confident and never worried about anything but grief has really thrown me.



Yes , I feel as if I have turned into the opposite of how I was before she died , my wife always used to say even though I could look intimidating ( I’m a big bald guy with a beard ) that I was a big soft teddy bear underneath , now I am in tears at the smallest reminder , struggle to do things I used to take in my stride , feel a physical pain inside everyday when I wake up and realise it’s not been a horrible nightmare and is my reality now . It’s been 11 weeks and only now this last week have I began to eat properly again ( probably down to getting back in my gym lifting weights making me hungry ) .


Before my husband died I would jump in my Car without a thought, after he died I lost my confidence to drive out of nowhere, totally bizarre.


That’s me too, I only take the car out very early morning and I’m anxious about it but just take it out to keep it running.It’s bizarre he didn’t drive and I have been driving for 50 years without a second thought.

I crashed and wrote my car off 6 days after he died, still not as confident a driver as I was before. I had an upset stomach for 5 weeks until the funeral was over, a constant pain in my heart and developed tinnitus in one ear at night. I still have brain fog, yesterday I thought Easter was only last week, and I can’t remember what I did yesterday. And the tiredness is incredible, I feel like I’ve aged 10 years, exhausted all the time.


Yes i feel the same, I have never felt like this, shking inside and trembling hands. I also hurt and feel quite chilly even if it is warm.
I am also afraid, today a beggar asked me for some money when I was walking through the supermarket carpark, I rushed back to my car and locked the doors when I got in ! my protector has gone and I am frightened without him.


I had an actual physical pain in my chest for months and I’ve developed some sort of tremor. Even after more than a year if I sit still, I can feel myself gently rocking and nodding. It is so surreal.


Yes, even after 7 months; it seems to be getting worse. The house needs so much doing to it, I keep finding more and more problems, and I’m anxious about everything. John used to sort these things, and I’m not sure I can cope with them on my own.


Yeh … our protector has gone … scary world without that isnt it ? X


Hi to you all,

I hope all our physical symptoms of grief go away, It is so hard to deal with, concentration, I feel so tired. When will this end. Life can be so cruel. Thinking of you all


Thinking of you Christine 47 and all our other friends on here.
So tough and at times, unrelenting.


Yesterday, I asked my daughter what she would be doing today with her friend. It was her day off.
Today she told me that this is the first time I have actually remembered that it was her day off and what her plans were. Apparently she tells me and I always forget. She was also surprised that I remembered she was seeing her friend.
Since Steve died in February I must have turned into some kind of zombie without realising it.


I am the same, i forget where things are, i forget what i have done what i have said . I have made repeat phone calls to people etc etc, the grief is too much to deal with so our brains cant process it all. I think this will be classed as normal .


Steve’s band are playing a tribute gig tomorrow and launching their new album. They finished the album and then he died. The gig and the album will be dedicated to Steve. I’ve tried to ignore it, and don’t feel strong enough to go, everyone will be there and I know my heart will break when I see their new drummer. Now the vocalist has been in touch, reminding me about it.
I feel I should be there. If I can go through the funeral, this surely can’t be so difficult?


Try and go if you can … Just take it steady and can you take someone with you ? You can always go early if its too much ? What band is it ? An album ! Wow !!
And how lovely they dedicated it to your partner :slight_smile: xx

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I think I will go, and I’ll drive so I can escape. His brother will be there, and I can catch up with others.
It’s called Make Music Not War, its a punk band called VoMiT.



As @Deb5 suggested try and go if you can, you’d probably be wondering all night and feel worse if you didn’t go. It may also be a positive step for your future getting out and about :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

We’re is it at? I see your in the north west x

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To far for me, I hate driving :joy:

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