Losing a sibling

I lost my big brother in February to a tragic accident along with my dog. And i know its only been a few months and i know ill grieve for them for the rest of my life. But i feel lost, i was so close to my brother its like ive lost half of me. Im so broken. I can go to work, but as soon as my shift finishes and im alone in my car. I just cry. Im just struggling so much to deal with losing him and my dog

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Hello @Rach92 ,

I’m so sorry to hear about your brother and dog. It sounds as though things are very tough for you at the moment and you are feeling lost.

I’m glad that you’ve been able to share how you are feeling here and I hope that you find the community a good source of support. Everyone here has experienced the loss of a loved one and will understand some of what you are going through.

I’m sure someone will be along to offer their support, but I wanted to share a few Sue Ryder resources with you that may help you right now.

Take care - keep reaching out,


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Hi. My big sister died suddenly and completely unexpectedly in March. I completely get what you mean. I went back to work on the monday after she died (she died on a thursday) and id get home, shut my front door and i would barely get the door locked before it felt like every emotion burst out. I kept going for a while but the kids were suffering (im a teacher) because i wasnt coping. I was having a panic attack in the carpark at the start of the day and counting the minutes til break, then lunch, then the end of the day. In the end i completely broke down and had to be signed off. It was the best decision id made. My head had the space.
I dont have any answers, but i will tell you the sue ryder grief coach text messages are really good. And keep writing here. Theres always someone that understands.

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Hi, its so tough isn’t it, thats the thing, i didn’t completely go back to work until may so i did have that time to take everything in, but now i just feel like its hit me all over again. Are you still off work?, and are you ok?.
Yeh i recently signed up to the text messages. So recieved my second message yesterday.
Thank you for your message. Take care x


Im on school holidays now as we finish in scotland earlier than england. Ive done a lot of sleeping and colouring in. Currently visiting my mum and i had a difficult childhood because of her behaviour so ive put strict boundaries in place as an adult. They worked until this time. Shes definitely regressed and its definitely stressful. I have another 5 weeks off so im just relieved i dont have to work for a wee while.
Glad you signed up to the texts. I hope they help you x


Hi sorry for the late reply, i love colouring too, helps me relax. Oh dear stress isnt what you need is it at this moment in time. Hope you enjoy your time off the best you can. X