Losing a son

I am sorry. I lost someone today as well who was close to me. Your son is in heaven, don’t worry. God is taking care of him.

I’m truly sorry for your loss bless you and thank you so much they are angels now looking down on us keeping us safe xx

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Dear Bruce1

I lost my younger son Henry last October- he was 30 years and 15 days old. He suffered with mental health issues and tragically he took recreational drugs alongside his prescribed medication. He was also a father, brother, grandson, nephew, uncle and friend to many people.

The shock and pain…my god I never thought I’d survive it. The physical pain…the desperate longing…I would look for him even though I knew him to be dead. I finally laid his ashes to rest a few weeks ago. I kept the casket at home for comfort.

My life continues and I’ve become used to living with Henry in the spirit world. Every day that goes by takes us closer to our loved ones who’ve gone in ahead. I was so lucky to have my son for so long and he lives on in our hearts. One day we will be together again. On bad days I think it’s just today I’ve got to get through without him.
I meditate using the Headspace app - that’s helped me tremendously- kept me sane when I felt I could drown in sorrow. Since Henry passed, we’ve lost another young man, my nephew, to suicide. His mother who was battling cancer then succumbed to Covid. So much death…like bombs going off :cry:

Life will never be the same but it will be there for us to make the best of…we’ve lost wonderful souls who will be there when we cross over. I wish you well and hope peace comes to you.

Hugs and love

Also Bruce1, most importantly I’m so sorry you’re here with us on this site. Bound by such loss . Words are so hard to find but we’re not alone. X