Losing both parents before your mid 30's

I lost my Mum to lung cancer 5 years ago now, at the time I was 28 yrs old. Her illness and passing were very traumatic as she was a very anxious person with a fear of medical procedures. Then my Dad was diagnosed with bowel cancer which had spread to his bladder just over a year after my Mum passed. He had multiple surgeries and chemotherapy and was left with a colostomy bag and a urostomy bag (his bladder was removed). In July last year he developed kidney and liver failure and passed away 2 weeks before christmas, when i was 32 yrs old. I was always a Daddy’s girl and he was my rock, he was always there when i needed him. My mum was my best friend and we did lots of things together. I’m an only child and my only remaining family are my cousin and auntie who I only see at Christmas and sometimes Easter as they work alot.
I went to a local bereavement group on Tuesday but I was the youngest one there and felt out of place. When I have looked at support out there it seems to be either aimed towards children and teenagers or adults (who tend to be older than me). I just feel like this shouldnt be happening to me at my age, my parents have been robbed of their retirement and also potentially becoming grandparents (I do want children in the near future) and seeing me get married etc (I have a long term boyfriend). I know loss is just as devastating at any age but im hoping to find some people who understand what its like to lose a parent/s in your 20s/30s.

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Hi @Yellow3

I’m so sorry to hear about your parents.

I’m sure someone will be along soon to join your thread, but I also wanted to direct you to another one which was started last month if you’d like to join that conversation too.

Take care,

Sue Ryder Online Community team

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